32th meeting of the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement
08 - 10 October 2012
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
The 32nd Meeting of the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement (JTA), will be held in Fremantle, Australia from 8- 10 October. This meeting follows the 28th Session of the JCOMM Data Buoy Co-operation Panel (DBCP) held in the same hotel from 2 - 5 October 2012. The venue for both meetings will be the Conference and related meeting rooms of the Esplanade Hotel, Cnr Marine Terrace and Essex Street, Fremantle Ph + 618 9432 4000, Web www.esplanadehotelfremantle.com.au. Fremantle is the historic port/harbour satellite city for Perth, located at the mouth of the Swan River, some 10km downstream from the Perth CBD. It is very much focussed on maritime activities.

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JTA-32-Final-Report | Record of Decisions, Thirty-second Session of the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement | 04/01/2016 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
1.2 | JTA-32-Doc-1 | Provisional Agenda | 10/07/12 |
1.2 | JTA-32-Doc-2 | Annotated provisional agenda | 10/07/12 |
11.1 | JTA-32-doc-11-Satcom-Forum | Report on the Preparatory Workshop for the establishment of an International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunication Systems (SATCOM Forum) | 11/09/12 |
2 | JTA-32-doc-3-Chair-Report | Report from the JTA Chairman | 18/09/12 |
2 | JTA-32-doc-7-EC-meeting-rpt | Report of the JTA Executive Committee meeting | 11/09/12 |
4 | JTA-32-doc-4-CLS | Summary report from CLS | 31/08/12 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JTA-33-INF3-Fmt-Nat-Rpt | Format for National Reports to the JTA | 05/06/2013 |
DBCP-28-INF4 | Local material arrangements | 07/06/2012 |
JTA-32-INF2 | Documentation Plan | 24/09/2012 |
JTA-32-doc-6-Nat-Reports | National Reports | 08/10/2012 |
JTA-32-INF5-Time-Table | Time Table | 08/10/2012 |
JTA-32-Final-Report | Draft Final Report of JTA-32 | 09/10/2012 |
There are 22 participants associated with 32th meeting of the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement .
Name | Country |
BALL Graeme | Australia |
BREONCE Anne Marie | France |
CHARPENTIER Etienne | Switzerland |
DADAMO Nick | Australia |
DEXTER Peter | Australia |
FLETCHER Julie | New Zealand |
GROSS Thomas | United States of America |
HERKLOTZ Kai | Germany |
JACQ Fabienne | France |
JUNG Eun Ho | Republic of Korea |
KARIM Enayet | Bangladesh |
KIM Yong Up | Republic of Korea |
LINGUANTI Joe | Canada |
LOCKLEAR Eric R | United States of America |
LOURIE Holly | Australia |
MELDRUM David | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
OWEN, CPA Seema | United States of America |
SEO Jang-Won | Republic of Korea |
STANDER Johan | Switzerland |
WALLACE Al | Canada |
WOODWARD William | United States of America |
YU Ting | China |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 22
Confirmed: 22
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 17:50 on 15 Dec 2011 by Boram Lee
Last Updated at 15:47 on 05 Mar 2013 by Etienne Charpentier