Third In-Region Capacity Building Workshop of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel for countries of the Western Indian Ocean
16 - 20 April 2012
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The goals for the third DBCP in-region Western Indian Ocean Capacity Building Workshop (WIO-3) are:
- Continue to Build Capacity Within Regional Institutes to Apply New Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) Data, such as from RAMA and others, for Enhanced Predictive Capability for the Region as for Fisheries Management and Extreme Events,
- Continue to Find Synergy between DBCP in-situ ocean observations and Satellite Observations of the Regional Africa Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD),
- Enhance Coordination and Cooperation between TT-CB and WMO Regional Association (RA-I),
- Ensure advanced scientific and logistics information is conveyed to Participants well in advance of the Workshop,
- Demonstrate the Crucial Role of Ocean Observations for Understanding and Predicting Regional Weather, Ocean and climate,
- Discuss ways to mitigate implementation constraints by Regional Piracy to include potential coordination with African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET),
- Continue to Build In-Region Modelling Development Teams (MDT) and Observation Development Teams (ODT), including for the implementation of buoy programmes, by ensuring continuity of Participants from WIO-2,
- Learn practical implementation aspects for the deployment of operational data buoys at sea, the collection of buoy data, and related data management,
- Learn Practical Application of Regional Models for Addressing Impacts from Climate Change in the Coastal and Marine Environment and ensure Trainees have similar tools at their home institute to follow-up intersessionally,
- Become Familiar with Tools for Identifying and Accessing Operational Data Streams for ocean/weather/climate Model Assimilation,
- Validate Model Products from Indian Ocean Observations,
- Coordinate Regional Institutes for Increasing in-situ Western Indian Ocean Observations to include enhanced coordination with DBCP International Buoy Program for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO),
- Utilize advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to facilitate more effective Outreach and Capacity Building Activities on a larger scale.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
DBCP-WIO3-INF-Local-Info | Local Information | 09/02/2012 |
DBCP-WIO3-INF-Programme | Programme of the workshop | 16/03/2012 |
DBCP-WIO3-Picture | Group Picture - DBCP-WIO3 Workshop, Mombasa | 05/06/2012 |
DBCP-WIO3-Slide-Show | Slide show, DBCP-WIO3 Workshop, Mombasa | 05/06/2012 |
There are 46 participants associated with Third In-Region Capacity Building Workshop of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel for countries of the Western Indian Ocean .
Name | Country |
BORNMAN Tommy | Kenya |
BRASSINGTON Gary | Australia |
CHARPENTIER Etienne | Switzerland |
D'ADAMO Nick | Australia |
LINZEY William | United States of America |
MACHARIA Denis | Kenya |
MAFIMBO Ali | Kenya |
MCCALL Walt | United States of America |
MELDRUM David | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MUKABANA Joseph R. | Kenya |
ODIDO Mika | Kenya |
PAYET Rondolph | Seychelles |
ROBERTS Michael | South Africa |
SCOTT Lucy | Belgium |
STANDER Johan | Switzerland |
STROKER Kelly | United States of America |
TERNON Jean-Francois | France |
THIAW Wassila | United States of America |
THURSTON Sidney W. | United States of America |
VOUSDEN David | South Africa |
Name | Country |
BELAY Kidus | Ethiopia |
CAHOTE Rui | Angola |
DU TOIT Santjie | South Africa |
GATOGO Etse | Togo |
HUSSEIN Maged | Egypt |
HUSSEIN Ibrahim Mohammed | Sudan |
INOTI Lydiah Kathuure | Kenya |
KANAPATHIPILLI Arulananthan | Sri Lanka |
KASMI Mohamed | Morocco |
KATUA Stephen | Kenya |
KENGA Emmanuel | Kenya |
LIKUNAMA Michael | United Republic of Tanzania |
LOBO Joao | Mozambique |
MAKHETA Mbulelo | South Africa |
MORRIS Tamaryn | South Africa |
MULI Dave Ngui | Kenya |
MUNGAI John | Kenya |
MVIBUDULU Zimakanda | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
OLOO Paul | Kenya |
PINTO FEREIRA Salustiano Francisco | Angola |
SAMWEL Marigi | Kenya |
SHAGHUDE Yohana W. | United Republic of Tanzania |
TISSERA Henadeeraarachchige don Padmad | Sri Lanka |
UGGALDENIYA Imaya Gangeesha | Sri Lanka |
VAN DEN BERG Marcel | South Africa |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 46
Confirmed: 46
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 09:38 on 03 Nov 2011 by Etienne Charpentier
Last Updated at 09:15 on 12 Sep 2023 by Sofie de Baenst