Summary | The 2nd Session of the Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Global Academy took place online between 16-19 November 2021. During the meeting the Regional and Specialized Training Centres reported on their achievements. During 2021, OTGA successfully organised 32 online courses, of which 6 were later adapted to self-paced mode. OTGA has also hosted 5 other courses with external partners. Over 3250 people applied to attend online training courses with 700 learners successfully completing courses. Course languages included English, Spanish and Portuguese. The Steering Group decided to accept the application to host an OTGA Specialized Training Centre from the IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae at University of Copenhagen, which has already been delivering HAB Identification and Certification training using the OTGA eLearning Platform. This brings the total number of OTGA Regional and Specialized Centres to seventeen. The Group discussed the OTGA work plan for 2022 with some 70 courses proposed across the OTGA network. The OTGA Secretariat will consult with the IOC programmes and regions to discuss priorities and identify common/recurrent topics to prioritize the courses to be organised in 2022.The Steering Group re-elected Udaya Bhaskar (RTC-India) as SG Chair for the next intersessional period. |
Doc Type | Report |
Status | Published on 07 Sep 2023 |
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IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports IODE Session Reports |