IODE Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Global Academy project (SG-OTGA-I) First Session (online) 5–7 October 2020

Summary The first session of Steering Group for the second OceanTeacher Global Academy project met online from 5–7 October 2020. The meeting was attended by representatives of the sixteen Regional and Specialised Training Centres and IOC Programmes and regional bodies. (report: The Group confirmed the project Work Package leaders, which are WP1 (Project Coordination) RTC-Belgium; WP2 (Project Technical Support) RTC-Colombia; WP3 (Training course content creation) STC-ITIC; WP4 (Training course activities) RTC-India; WP5 (Outreach, communication and project evaluation) STC-Argentina. The Group unanimously agreed to the proposed Project Terms of Reference and Steering Group Terms of Reference which will be submitted to the IODE Committee for endorsement. The Steering Group approved a provisional workplan for 2021 with sixty courses proposed. The final work plan for the first half of 2021 will be confirmed after consultation with IOC programmes and regional bodies to establish their priorities. The SG-OTGA elected Mr Udaya Bhaskar (RTC-India) as the Chair of the Steering Group. More info on OceanTeacher Global Academy on
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 27 Oct 2020
This document is in the list(s): IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
IODE Session Reports

Group(s): IODE
Created at 23:26 on 27 Oct 2020 by Greg Reed
Updated at 23:46 on 27 Oct 2020 by Greg Reed