International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project Progress Report for SCOR, August 2008

Author(s) Maria Hood
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 25 Aug 2008
Notes Table of Contents Rotation of the Scientific Steering Group for 2008-2010 The Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP) The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Changing Times: An International Ocean Biogeochemical Time-series Workshop Standards for Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting Ocean Carbon in the Southern Ocean Observing System Strategy Ocean Carbon Sensor Directory UN Interagency Coordination Group on Ocean Fertilization International Nutrients Scale System Workshop New IOCCP Director Sought for 2009

Group(s): GOOS
Created at 09:05 on 25 Aug 2008 by Thomas Gross
Updated at 09:08 on 25 Aug 2008 by Thomas Gross