IOC/EC-XLI/2 Annex 3

Fiftieth Anniversary of the IOC: Preliminary Plan and Schedule of Initiatives

Author(s) IOC Secretariat
Summary Through Resolution XXIV-2, the IOC Assembly at its 24th Session requested the Chairperson of the IOC, in cooperation with the Vice-Chairpersons and the Executive Secretary, to prepare a preliminary plan and schedule of initiatives to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the IOC to be brought to the next Executive Council, in 2008, for discussion and adoption. It also urged Member States and Regional Subsidiary Bodies to consider national and regional initiatives and ideas to be communicated to the Executive Secretary for inclusion in the overall plan. This document presents a tentative plan and schedule of initiatives especially proposed to celebrate the 50th anniversary as well as initiatives that could be associated to the celebration.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 14 May 2008

Group(s): IOC
Created at 13:15 on 14 May 2008 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 19:15 on 15 Jun 2008 by Patrice Boned