Summary | Considering the importance that was given to capacity building in the recent United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), IOC decided to review its strategy for capacity development in order to better meet new challenges. A Draft Strategy Paper for Capacity Development (IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10) was presented at the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly both in plenary session and in two meetings of a sessional working group on CD to gather comments from participating Member States, representatives of IOC Programs and Subsidiary Bodies and observers. During the two Sessional Working Group meetings, Member States identified CD as an important IOC activity and welcomed the efforts to develop the new strategy. During the plenary of the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly, Member States unanimously intervened in support of developing a new strategy and the setting up of an inter-sessional working group on CD to develop it further. The Assembly of the IOC, through Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 decided to set up the intersessional Working Group (WG) for developing further the Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. This decision also requested the Executive Secretary to include the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development as an item on the Agenda of the Executive Council at its 47th session in 2014 and asked Member States to consider funding and supporting the activities leading to the formulation and adoption of the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. It is also proposed that, once the CD Strategic Plan was approved by the Executive Council, workshops would be organised with countries and donors for partnerships and funding. This is the base draft document on which the Intersessional Working Group (WG) will work. Representatives of the WG are invited to provide comments in “track changes” and to forward the entire document to the Chairman of the WG, Prof. Adobe Blim Blivi ( with copies to the Secretary, Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee ( and Elena Iasyreva ( |
Doc Type | Working Document |
Status | Draft |
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IOC Capacity Development |