ࡱ> dfabc bjbjww <~*YY8""""%7,< $"ĢR3p?R%@%p?p?3YY""HEEEp?bY8"" Ep? EE"DAH^0ՖZB8p?p?Ep?p?p?p?p?33Ep?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p?p? : Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Draft Strategic Plan Version 1 7 October 2013 Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788417" Background  PAGEREF _Toc369788417 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788418" Steps towards the new Strategic Plan for Capacity Development  PAGEREF _Toc369788418 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788419" Vision  PAGEREF _Toc369788419 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788420" Environmental Scanning (SWOT) Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc369788420 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788421" SWOT Matrix  PAGEREF _Toc369788421 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788422" Why a new strategy for capacity development in the IOC?  PAGEREF _Toc369788422 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788423" Mission  PAGEREF _Toc369788423 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788424" Rationale  PAGEREF _Toc369788424 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788425" Strategies  PAGEREF _Toc369788425 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788426" Action plans/activities  PAGEREF _Toc369788426 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788427" Timeline  PAGEREF _Toc369788427 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788428" Evaluation  PAGEREF _Toc369788428 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788429" Annex 1  PAGEREF _Toc369788429 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788430" IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 -Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc369788430 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788431" Annex 2  PAGEREF _Toc369788431 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788432" Draft Terms of Reference for the Intersessional Working Group for the Development of IOC Capacity Development Strategic Plan  PAGEREF _Toc369788432 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788433" Purpose  PAGEREF _Toc369788433 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788434" Term  PAGEREF _Toc369788434 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788435" Functions  PAGEREF _Toc369788435 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788436" Composition  PAGEREF _Toc369788436 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc369788437" Working arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc369788437 \h 15  Background The IOC made a voluntary Commitment at the Rio+20 Conference (Brazil, 2022 June 2012) on Building Global Capacity for Marine Sciences, Observation and Transfer of Marine Technology. This commitment aimed at conducting a global and regional assessment of capacity development needs in the field of marine scientific research and ocean observation especially in developing nations and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), leading to the formulation and implementation of a global strategy to implement these needs, through partnership with countries, donors, UN Agencies, global financial institutions and the private sector. The new capacity development (CD) strategy is aimed at strengthening national institutions, individual skills and knowledge and national science-policy frameworks in the short and long term. As a part of developing the new strategy for capacity building, a survey was conducted among a selected group of member states (August 2012 January 2013). The objective was to gather information on the existing national needs and capacities in marine scientific research, observation and data/information management within IOC Member States and was conducted via IOC Action addressees in cooperation with the IOC Secretariat, its programs and actions, the IOC regional Sub Commissions and decentralized offices as well as the UNESCO-national commissions. Other qualified national and international experts as well as networks of other intergovernmental organizations also contributed to the survey. Detailed results are given in IOC document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11244" IOC/INF-1313. The preliminary results of the survey were presented at an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Oceans, Seas and Sustainable Development: Implementation and follow-up to Rio+20 organized by the United Nations Department of Environmental and Social Affairs (UNDESA) during 18-19 April 2013, and was presented and discussed at the EGM that IOC organized in collaboration with the UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) on the Importance of Marine Research and Capacity Building for Small Island States during May 13-17, 2013. A summary was prepared incorporating the inputs from these EGMs ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Add.). These actions reaffirmed the necessity to strengthen national institutions, individual skills and knowledge and national science-policy frameworks in the short and long term and implied actions in four areas: Ocean Sciences Education, Research & Training Infrastructure Ocean Policy Development and Implementation Outreach The recommendation was that these areas could form the four components of IOCs proposed new IOC CD Strategy. Based on these recommendations as given in  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11244" IOC/INF-1313 (Baseline Study for an Assessment of National Capacities and Needs in Marine Research, Observation and Data/Information Management) along with an update incorporating the needs of the Small Island Developing States ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Add.) a Draft Strategy Paper for Capacity Development was prepared. The Draft Strategy Paper for Capacity Development ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11008" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10) and the updated results of the survey ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Add.) were presented at the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly both in plenary session and in two meetings of the sessional working group on CD to gather comments from participating Member States, representatives of IOC Programs and Subsidiary Bodies and observers. During the two Sessional Working Group on CD (July 2 & 3, 2013), Member States identified CD as an important IOC activity and welcomed the efforts to develop the new strategy. Comments from Member States participating in the sessional working group on CD were as follows: The new strategy should build on years of work that has been carried out by the IOC; It should be attractive to member states and underline the position of the IOC within the UN system. Activities should be targeted and each country needed to specify its priority areas of intervention; Since resources and funds at the IOC is not enough to build capacity in all areas, the strategic plan should also act as a guiding beacon for other organisations working in this area and for funding agencies; The Strategy needs to work towards harmonization of ongoing CD efforts and strengthen partnerships both within and outside of the UN system; There is a need for resources - not just for human capacity but also infrastructure; The plan needs to focus on the transition in IOCs own programs. The strategy has to be linked to the high level objectives; core CD activity that will continue irrespective of the scale of funding need to be identified; The Strategy needs to build on IOCs substantial past experience in CD taking into account best practices. It would be worthwhile making an assessment of what has been successful and what has not and why; The Strategy needs to emphasize the role of S&T in marine policy and strive for actions at the science-policy interface; The Strategy needs to be linked to expected outcomes; There is a need for core capacity in data management, monitoring and marine management; Gender issues should be taken into consideration in the development of the plan. During the 27th Session of the IOC Assembly in 2013, Member States unanimously intervened in support of developing a new strategy and the setting up of an inter-sessional working group on CD to develop it further. The interventions centred on the possible role of coordination among IOCs own programs and units as well as the need for partnerships within the UN system and with non-governmental, private sector organizations and global networks active in the field of marine scientific research and technology. The overall need for the harmonization of capacity development efforts was mentioned. The strategy also needs to consider the role of marine science in policy making as well as potential actions involving the science-policy linkages. Further comments from Member States were mostly related to strategy implementation rather than principles and included information on education, current scholarship schemes, importance of long-term training and projects such as in the blue economy. Most interventions also reiterated willingness of Member States to contribute to the strategy development efforts. The Assembly of the IOC, through  HYPERLINK \l "_IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1_-Development_of" Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 (See  HYPERLINK \l "_Annex_1" Annex 1 of this document), decided to set up an intersessional Working Group (WG) for developing further the Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. The Terms of Reference of the WG as approved by the Assembly is reproduced as  HYPERLINK \l "_Annex_2" Annex 2 to this document. This decision also requested the Executive Secretary to include the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development as an item on the Agenda of the Executive Council at its 47th session in 2014 and asked Member States to consider funding and supporting the activities leading to the formulation and adoption of the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. It is also proposed that, once the CD Strategic Plan was approved by the Executive Council, workshops would be organised with countries and donors for partnerships and funding. Steps towards the new Strategic Plan for Capacity Development Based on information provided in the above sections, the new Strategic Plan for Capacity Development will be further developed taking into account: Recent UN Conference outcome documents, especially Rio +20. The Rio+20 Outcome document  HYPERLINK "http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/476/10/PDF/N1147610.pdf?OpenElement" The Future we Want recognizes under 160 and 269-276 the importance of building capacity of developing countries to benefit from the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and seas and their resources and emphasizes the need for transfer of technology taking into account the intergovernmental Oceanographic Commissions Criteria and Guidelines on the transfer of marine technology; IOCs Medium Term Strategy (MTS) for 2014-2021: The essential elements of IOCs CD draft strategy will be consistent with IOCs MTS for 20142021 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11799" IOC-XXVII/3). The MTS considers capacity development as a cross cutting function to develop institutional capacity in IOC functions such as ocean research, observing system/data management, early warning services, assessment and information for policy as well as sustainable management and governance and taking into account the High Level Objectives on Healthy Ocean systems, Early Warning of ocean Hazards, Resilience to climate change and variability; Lessons learned from previous CD plans of IOC (Success stories and implementation problems). IOC has been successfully implementing the Transfer of Marine Technology through its targeted capacity development activities within its global and regional programs and actions as well as in cooperation with its partners within and outside of the UN system. The draft Strategic Plan will take into account the range of capacity building options already available to IOC as reflected by these ongoing activities (e.g.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php/activities" http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php/activities). Attention will be given to the Closure Report of the SIDA-funded project ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5524" IOC/INF-1276) on Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainably Use Their Coastal Resources as an example of an IOC Project primarily focused on government-mandated Institutions in developing countries and their directors; IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology. ( HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001391/139193m.pdf" IOC/INF-1203). Marine technology according to these guidelines refers to instruments, equipment, vessels, processes and methodologies required to produce and use knowledge to improve the study and understanding of the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas. The Strategy will be developed taking into account IOCs contributions in the field of Transfer of Marine Technology and identify areas of IOCs existing strengths and areas where further actions may be needed; Gaps identified through prior assessments and surveys of capacities and needs requirements. In addition to the assessment mentioned in this report, regional priorities as identified through the different IOC sub-commissions and relevant bodies will be taken into account because of the perception that regional requirement and priorities for capacity may not be global; International Partnerships for Capacity Development. For all elements of the proposed strategy for capacity development, opportunities are available in a number of international organizations including those within the UN system, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, civil society and other stakeholders; Capacity Development activities. The IOCs new strategy will build on and strengthen partnerships with member states, donors, UN agencies, other non-UN intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and agencies, for example, POGO and SCOR, global financial institutions as well as the private sector and propose actions complementing contributions from international partners. IOC will contact the international partners at an early stage of the working of the inter-sessional working group; Gender Equality, Priority Actions in Africa, SIDS and LDCs. In addition to the IOC resolutions mentioned in this report and the Rio + 20 outcome document dealing with the necessity of CD in Africa, Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries adequate attention will be given to gender equality in the proposed strategy development. It will take into account the need for priorities for actions in relation to available resources focusing on specific geographical areas and specific science areas for effective and efficient capacity development and informed by IOCs regional bodies. Here special attention will be given to the problem faced by developing countries in not being able to retain qualified staff because of inadequate research infrastructure. These considerations would lead to the development of an IOC CD Strategy that reflects the capacity development priorities identified by the IOC Governing and Subsidiary Bodies, the Rio+20 outcome document, as well as those recognized in other documents formulated by UN and other Agencies related to Oceans and their Uses and will, at the same time, contribute to fulfilling IOCs voluntary commitment at Rio + 20 Conference in 2012. Vision [Proposal] IOC, through its Capacity Development Programme, is able to provide Member States with the expertise required for the management of their ocean and coasts. Environmental Scanning (SWOT) Analysis Opportunities [Proposals] IOC is the only UN organisation with a mandate in ocean science. Most of coastal states are represented in the IOC Assembly. Several organisation linked to the ocean are partners of IOC. Strengths [Proposals] IOC can draw on the expertise of the best research institutes in oceanography. The IOC network is global. Member States strongly support IOC in the UNESCO Governing Body meetings. Weaknesses [Proposals] Not enough participation from some Member States. Limited staff in regional offices. Limited awareness of IOCs activities in some Member States. Threats [Proposals] Decrease in funding and staff undermines IOCs leadership. Increasing involvement of other organisations in the areas of mandate of IOC. The world economic situation leads to decreased contributions from Member States to IOC. SWOT Matrix STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES S-O Strategies Pursue opportunities that fits IOCs CDs strengthW-O Strategies Overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities THREATS S-T Strategies Ways to use our strength to reduce vulnerability to external threats W-T Strategies Defensive plan to prevent weaknesses from making IOCs CD plan susceptible to external threats  Why a new strategy for capacity development in the IOC? Considering the importance that was given to capacity building in the recent United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), it is proposed that IOC reviews its strategy for capacity development ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=437" IOC/INF-1211; 2005) in order to better meet new challenges.  It is planned that this new strategy will consider ocean science globally and will address all the issues within the mandate of IOC while noting that several initiatives are already being taken care of by partner organisations and that IOC will team up with these organisations for better programme delivery. Mission [TENTATIVE] The Capacity Development section of the IOC will ensure that Member States are empowered to manage the ocean and coasts which are under their jurisdiction by providing the mechanism for a long-term, self sustaining system for ensuring that trained personnel is available locally or in the region. Rationale The ocean knows no political or geographical barrier and activities in the waters of one Member State (MS) impact on neighbouring ones and on the ocean globally. Any effort in protecting the worlds ocean should necessarily ensure that all coastal States have the required capacity to manage the waters under their jurisdiction so as to maintain the integrity of the entire system. Strategies This new strategic plan is based on a four-pronged approach which will ensure that Member States have not only the capacity but also the policy and accompanying awareness required to manage their ocean and coasts. The first pillar of this strategic plan is based on the need for each and every Member State to have a team of highly qualified marine scientists who can advise the State concerned on the management of its ocean and coasts. This core of scientists can also assist their government officials during negotiations in oceanographic matters and at the same time ensure that capacity is maintained and developed in their field of expertise through supervision of local students. The second pillar is support to Member States in policy development and Implementation. In policy, IOC could support Member States to develop management procedures and national policies on marine and coastal issues. The actions could include advice for national and regional marine policy making, assistance and training in the development and implementation of marine strategic plans, CD for marine ecosystem management, evaluation of management actions, and training in best practices related to the implementation of international agreements that have a potential to enhance national capacity to monitor and evaluate. Leadership and project proposal writing workshops can also be considered under this item. Many countries are now in the process of preparing their national marine development plans. This gives unique opportunities to align IOCs international and regional strategies and programmes with national ones. The third pillar is the development of infrastructure for marine scientific research as this is an essential component for building national capacities. The fourth pillar is the well-established short training courses and workshops already being offered by IOC though OceanTeacher, GOOS, Tsunami and Ocean Science programmes. These short courses targeted at government staff of Member States have been very successful in building capacity in the different areas where IOC is active. Such a strategy, if well managed, can perpetuate itself and ensure local capacity as is evidenced by the progress made by emerging economies recently. At the same time, this strategy will ensure that local capacity is available for receiving the ocean technology which is transferred from more developed Member States. This new capacity development strategy will, in fact, build the foundations for IOC to meet its UN mandate of transfer of marine technology and will generate synergistic effects with the preparation of the Global Ocean Science Report Action plans/activities In order to achieve the above aims, new actions are required to: improve formal academic qualifications in Member States; support Member States in policy development and implementation; develop local infrastructure in Member States; and further expand and enhance IOCs technical training curriculum. To improve university-level qualifications of marine science personnel in Member States, a number of actions are suggested as follows: IOC will request MS to allocate a number of scholarships to enable students from developing countries to benefit from training. This pool of scholarships in marine sciences will be advertised and coordinated by the IOC but selection will remain the prerogative of the universities concerned; A student exchange programme will be developed by the IOC to enable research students to spend three to six months in another centre so as to benefit from expertise and equipment which may not be available in their home country; Highly qualified and experienced professors and marine scientists retire each year and the expertise that they have acquired over a lifetime is no longer be used. Most of the time, these experts already earn a pension and are prepared to work for a local salary just to cover living costs in another country. It is proposed to establish a mechanism of coordination whereby qualified retired scientists can be recruited by less developed Member States on short-term contract to build locally by supervising graduate students in order to allow them to complete a Ph.D. locally; To support the development of national ocean policies, Member States (especially developing ones) will be requested to indicate their interest to IOC in the development of their national ocean policy. This can be funded either through self-benefitting contributions to IOC or through donor funding. The development of marine scientific research infrastructure is an essential component of capacity building but also a capital intensive one and the IOC would find it difficult to raise such a level of funds. However, the IOC will coordinate efforts between donor agencies and Member States for the provision of such infrastructure. To enhance and expand IOCs curriculum in technical training, the OceanTeacher programme will be: enhanced through the development of an OceanTeacher Global Classroom in 2013, which will involve the establishment, by Member States, of regional training centres (of Excellence) and their interconnection through advanced video conferencing services; expanded through the development of a wide range of courses responding to needs in ocean science, ocean observation, tsunami warning and mitigation, integrated coastal area management, marine spatial planning, etc. Special attention will be given also to North-South and South-South interaction of students, as well as to gender balance in terms of students and resource persons (lecturers and teaching assistants). It is expected that the above strategy will enable a substantial number of countries, which have not done so, to formulate a national ocean policy ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=2210" IOC Technical Series, 75) which will provide a framework for development and also improve awareness on ocean matters among policy makers. Improvement of the qualifications of local scientists will at the same time accompany this process by empowering Member States to manage their ocean and coasts. Timeline ACTIONSTATUS / DEADLINE 1 CD survey in a sample of 20 countries March 2013 - Completed 2 Presentation of CD Strategic Plan concept at IOC Assembly June 2013 - Completed3 Setting up of a sessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for CD 26 June to 5 July 2013 - Completed4 Establishment of an Intersessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for CD July 2013 to March 2014 Ongoing5 Preparation and circulation of Draft CD Strategic Plan to MS April 2014 6 Consideration of Draft CD Strategic Plan by IOC Executive Council June 2014 7 Donors and MS meeting to consider funding and participation in the Strategic Plan September 2014 Evaluation The implementation of this Strategic Plan will be evaluated by a committee set up by the Assembly upon its completion. Annex 1 IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 -Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy The Assembly, Taking note of the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 whereby the UNSD recognizes the importance of building the capacity of developing countries to be able to benefit from the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and their resources, Having examined document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11008" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10, Decides to set up an Intersessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development with the annexed Terms of Reference; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Requests: the Executive Secretary to include the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development as an item on the Agenda of the Executive Council at its 47th session in 2014; and Member States to consider funding and supporting the activities leading to the formulation and adoption of the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. Annex 2 Annex to IOC-XXVII, Dec.5.5.1 Draft Terms of Reference for the Intersessional Working Group for the Development of IOC Capacity Development Strategic Plan Purpose The Intersessional Working Group will develop a Capacity Development (CD) Strategic Plan for IOC. This plan will then be implemented through partnership with Member States, donors, UN Agencies, global financial institutions and the private sector. Term The Intersessional CD Strategy Group will be constituted at the 27th IOC Assembly and will operate until the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014. Functions Review documents given below to identify the relevant components that should be considered in an IOC CD strategy along with an outline of the strategy document  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11799" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 3 Draft IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11008" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Add.  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" Development of a new Capacity Development Strategy - Addendum (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11244" IOC/INF-1313 Baseline Study for an Assessment of National Capacities and Needs in Marine Research, Observation and Data/Information Management (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=437" IOC/INF-1211 IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building (2005);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5524" IOC/INF-1276 Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainably Use Their Coastal Resources (Self Driven Capacity Building) Closure Report of the SIDA Funded Project (2010);  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001391/139193m.pdf" IOC/INF-1203 IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (2005);  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002187/218773e.pdf" IOC/ABE-LOSVIII/8 Practices of States in the Fields of Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology: an update of the 2005 analysis of Member State responses to Questionnaire No3 (2008);  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000630/063061eo.pdf" IOC/INF-612 UNESCO/IOC Comprehensive Plan for a Major Assistance Programme to Enhance the Marine Science Capabilities of Developing Countries (1985); Documents produced by IOC subsidiary bodies and sister organisations; Other documents relevant to this exercise. Incorporate elements arising from the following considerations Recent UN Conference outcome documents, especially Rio +20s Outcome document  HYPERLINK "http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/476/10/PDF/N1147610.pdf?OpenElement" The Future we Want and resolutions requesting actions in capacity development; The present High Level Objectives of IOC and its mandate as well as existing IOC programmes; Lessons learned from previous CD plans of IOC (Success stories and implementation problems); Gaps identified through prior assessments and surveys of capacities and needs requirements; Regional priorities as identified through the different IOC sub-commissions and relevant bodies and other IOC regional subsidiary bodies; Existing capacity development initiatives of Member States, other UN agencies and competent international organisations, for example, POGO and SCOR, with a view to developing partnerships, create synergies and avoid duplication; The problem faced by developing countries in not being able to retain qualified staff because of inadequate research infrastructure; Gender Equality, Priority Africa, SIDS and LDCs; The regional requirement for capacity as priorities may not be global. Identify IOCs existing CD strengths and IOCs unique intergovernmental CD niche; The essential elements/pillars of IOCs CD draft strategy, consistent with IOCs Medium Term Strategy, that will complement international CD partner development contributions; The need for a consistent level of extra-budgetary funding; Priorities for actions in relation to available resources focussing on specific geographical areas and specific science areas for effective and efficient capacity development, and informed by IOCs regional bodies; Prepare a report for consideration of the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014 Composition The Vice-Chairperson of the IOC for Group V, Prof. Adot Blim Blivi will serve as Chairperson and the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Commission, DrMitrasen Bhikajee will be the Technical Secretary of the Intersessional Working Group; The Working Group will be open to all IOC Member States. Working arrangements The Working Group will conduct the majority of its business by electronic means; If appropriate, the Chairperson may convene a meeting in time, and for a long enough period, to prepare a report prior to the commencement of a session of the Executive Council; The Group will provide a report on all its activities to the 47th session of the Executive Council; Relevant documents would be made available before the Group meeting, in due time; and The Group will follow procedures for IOC Subsidiary Bodies, seeking to formulate its conclusions and recommendations through consensus.     CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Draft Strategic Plan Page |  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 15 Draft Version 1 - prepared by Mitrasen BHIKAJEE 7/10/2013 Extract from  HYPERLINK "http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/476/10/PDF/N1147610.pdf?OpenElement" The Future We Want: Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 160. We recognize the importance of building the capacity of developing countries to be able to benefit from the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and their resources and, in this regard, we emphasize the need for cooperation in marine scientific research to implement the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development, as well as for the transfer of technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology +,DE[wϸl^U^?l*jh!h7jf0JUmHnHuh7jfmHnHuh!h7jf0JmHnHu$jh!h7jf0JUmHnHujh7jfU h7jfh7jfh7jfh&mH sH hx 6hOJQJmH sH hx 6h&OJQJmH sH -hx 6h&B* CJ"OJQJaJ"mH ph `sH %hx 6hXB* CJ"OJQJaJ"ph `9jhx 6hXB*CJ$OJQJUaJ$mHnHphKu,-./0EF[vp " p 4 ' s gd$ 8# gd7jfgd7jfgdZgd&    ' N O P j k l m n o p q r ոեxfոե#jwh7jfUmHnHu*jh!h7jf0JUmHnHuh!h7jf0JmHnHuh7jfmHnHu$jh!h7jf0JUmHnHuhx 6mHnHu#j}h7jfUmHnHujh7jfUmHnHuh7jfmHnHuh!h7jf0JmHnHsH u       ! 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