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Advanced Search Results

Your search for "" returned 45465 result(s).
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Displaying 521 – 530 results of 640.
results per page.

ODINAFRICA Coastal and Marine Atlases workshop Workshop
24/09/2012 - 29/09/2012
Nairobi, Kenya

ODINAFRICA Coastal and Marine Atlases workshop Workshop
24/09/2012 - 29/09/2012
Nairobi, Kenya

ODINAFRICA Marine Information Management training course Training Course
24/09/2012 - 29/09/2012
Nairobi, Kenya

ODINAFRICA Training of trainers for AgriOcean/DSpace Training Course
27/08/2012 - 31/08/2012
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Headquater & Mombasa Station PO Box 81651,
Mombasa, Kenya

First session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States Meeting
02/05/2012 - 03/05/2012
United Nations Offices at Nairobi (Conference Room 3) UN Avenue, Gigiri P O Box 30592 ,
Nairobi, Kenya

8th JCOMM-TCP Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting Training Course
19/11/2012 - 23/11/2012 P.O. Box 30259 -?? 00100 GPO,
Nairobi, Kenya

First ODINAFRICA-IV training course on Coastal and Marine Atlas development Training Course
26/07/2010 - 06/08/2010
Mombasa, Kenya

Hydrodynamic Modelling for Stakeholders of the WIO Region 2 Workshop
07/09/2009 - 12/09/2009
Mombasa, Kenya

Displaying 521 – 530 results of 640.
results per page.