Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
610.84 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info |
1 | 489.11 ms |
SELECT 'experts' AS type, i.status, i.id_ind, concat(i.fname,' ',i.sname) AS name, i.fname, i.mname, i.sname, inst_name, jobtitle, i.addr_1, i.addr_2, i.city, i.state, i.postcode, inst.inst_address, inst.addr_2 AS instAddr2, inst.city AS instCity, inst.state AS instState, inst.postcode AS instPostCode, use_inst_addr, deceased, retired, quality_checked, (IF(use_inst_addr = 1, ic.country, c.country)) AS country, MATCH (fname, sname) AGAINST (:newString IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS relevance, 'zz' AS instType, 'zz' AS eventtype, '' AS inst_logo FROM indiv i LEFT JOIN countries c ON c.id_country = i.country_code LEFT JOIN indiv_institution ii ON ii.id_ind = i.id_ind LEFT JOIN institutions inst ON inst.id_inst = ii.id_inst LEFT JOIN countries ic ON ic.id_country = inst.country_code WHERE ( MATCH (fname, mname, sname) AGAINST (:newString IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR fname LIKE :string OR fname LIKE :stringPerc OR fname LIKE :percString OR mname LIKE :stringPerc OR mname LIKE :percString OR sname LIKE :stringPerc OR sname LIKE :percString ) AND status = 1 ORDER BY relevance DESC, i.sname ASC;
[ "newString" => "" "string" => "" "percString" => "%" "stringPerc" => "%" "percStringPerc" => "%%" ] |
2 | 89.65 ms |
SELECT 'institutions' AS type, i.activated, i.id_inst, insttype_name AS instType, inst_name, inst_name_eng, inst_address, addr_2, city AS instCity, state AS instState, postcode AS instPostCode, country, activities, inst_logo, 'zz' AS jobtitle, MATCH (inst_name,inst_name_eng,acronym) AGAINST (:newString) AS relevance, 'zz' AS eventtype, 'zz' AS fname, 'zz' AS sname FROM institutions i LEFT JOIN countries c ON c.id_country = i.country_code LEFT JOIN insttypes it ON it.id_insttype = i.inst_type_id WHERE ( MATCH (inst_name, inst_name_eng, acronym) AGAINST (:newString IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR inst_name LIKE :percStringPerc OR inst_name_eng LIKE :percStringPerc OR acronym LIKE :percStringPerc OR activities LIKE :percStringPerc ) AND activated = 1 ORDER BY relevance DESC, i.inst_name ASC;
[ "newString" => "" "percStringPerc" => "%%" ] |
3 | 30.77 ms |
SELECT 'events' AS type, et.eventtype_name AS eventtype, e.status AS activated, e.id_event, e.title AS name, e.start_on, e.end_on, e.address AS addr_1, e.city, e.state, c.country AS country, 'zz' AS jobtitle, 'zz' AS instType, 'zz' AS fname, 'zz' AS sname, 'zz' AS inst_name FROM events e LEFT JOIN countries c on c.id_country = e.id_country LEFT JOIN eventtypes et on et.id_eventtype = e.id_eventtype WHERE ( title LIKE :percStringPerc OR shorttitle LIKE :percStringPerc OR summary LIKE :percStringPerc OR keywords LIKE :percStringPerc ) AND status = 1 ORDER BY start_on desc
[ "percStringPerc" => "%%" ] |
4 | 1.32 ms |
SELECT t0.id_ind AS id_ind_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.fname AS fname_3, t0.mname AS mname_4, t0.sname AS sname_5, t0.identifier AS identifier_6, t0.reg_type AS reg_type_7, t0.use_inst_addr AS use_inst_addr_8, t0.private_address AS private_address_9, t0.addr_1 AS addr_1_10, t0.addr_2 AS addr_2_11, t0.city AS city_12, t0.state AS state_13, t0.postcode AS postcode_14, t0.country_code AS country_code_15, t0.id_nationality AS id_nationality_16, t0.gender AS gender_17, t0.tel AS tel_18, t0.fax AS fax_19, t0.email1 AS email1_20, t0.email2 AS email2_21, t0.email3 AS email3_22, t0.emailtouse AS emailtouse_23, t0.url1 AS url1_24, t0.url1Valid AS url1Valid_25, t0.url2 AS url2_26, t0.url2Valid AS url2Valid_27, t0.url3 AS url3_28, t0.url3Valid AS url3Valid_29, t0.urlsChecked AS urlsChecked_30, t0.linkedin AS linkedin_31, t0.facebook AS facebook_32, t0.twitter AS twitter_33, t0.flickr AS flickr_34, t0.other AS other_35, t0.degree AS degree_36, t0.activeng AS activeng_37, t0.activother AS activother_38, t0.jobtitle AS jobtitle_39, t0.dept AS dept_40, t0.studyregion AS studyregion_41, t0.languages AS languages_42, t0.skills AS skills_43, t0.comments AS comments_44, t0.do_not_invite AS do_not_invite_45, t0.do_no_invite_by AS do_no_invite_by_46, t0.do_no_invite_on AS do_no_invite_on_47, t0.admin_comments AS admin_comments_48, t0.id_imagefile AS id_imagefile_49, t0.id_imagefile_full AS id_imagefile_full_50, t0.receive_mail AS receive_mail_51, t0.member_alert AS member_alert_52, t0.cit_alert AS cit_alert_53, t0.f_date_ent AS f_date_ent_54, t0.l_date_upd AS l_date_upd_55, t0.created_by AS created_by_56, t0.last_edit_by AS last_edit_by_57, t0.quality_checked_by AS quality_checked_by_58, t0.quality_checked_date AS quality_checked_date_59, t0.quality_checked AS quality_checked_60, t0.is_global AS is_global_61, t0.status AS status_62, t0.statusLastChanged AS statusLastChanged_63, t0.deceased AS deceased_64, t0.deceased_date AS deceased_date_65, t0.retired AS retired_66, t0.retired_date AS retired_date_67, t0.id AS id_68 FROM indiv t0 WHERE t0.id_ind = ? LIMIT 1
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
OceanExpertBundle\Entity\Indiv | No errors. |