14th session of Observation Coordination Group

06 - 08 June 2023,

Cape Town
South Africa

Annotated Agenda

1 Welcome
2 Opening of OCG-14
3 GOOS Updates
4 European observation networks assessment in the EuroSea Project
5 Network Reports
5.1 DBCP
5.2 OceanGliders
5.4 AniBOS
5.5 HF Radar
5.6 OceanSITES
5.8 SOT
5.9 Argo
5.10 IRSO - Research vessel
6 OCG Network readiness - from emerging to mature OCG network
7 Potential New Emerging Networks
7.1 Fishing Vessel Ocean Observing Network
7.3 Smart Cables
7.4 Ship based Ecological Time Series
7.5 Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS)
8 Public / Private partnerships
9 Data Strategy
10 Impact study
10.1 Synobs/OS-Eval Team [advantages, pitfalls]
10.2 North Sea Glider Data study
11 Best Practices
12 OceanOPS
13 Capacity building and workshop readouts
13.1 OCG CD Activities
13.2 DBCP capacity building activities readouts
13.3 Low cost technology workshop
13.4 Boundary Currents workshop
14 OceanObs’ 2024 Midway Conference
15 GOOS Communications
16 UN Decade programmes - engagement opportunities
16.1 Co-design
16.2 CoastPredict
16.3 Observing together
16.4 OASIS
16.6 OBON
16.7 MarineLife2030
16.8 One Deep Ocean
16.9 DOOS
16.10 Seabed2030
17 Summarized Actions
17.1 OCG-13 outstanding Actions (TBD)
17.2 OCG-14 Actions (TBD)
17.3 Wrap up, reflections, next steps, meeting in 2024
18 Reflections and planning for OCG-15