both meetings in Room <b>Gallieni 5</b>
Palais des Congrès Acropolis
I.1 | Opening of Joint GODAE OceanView - JCOMM ET-OOFS meeting (13:00, 11 November) |
I.2 | Role, responsibilities and objectives (13:15) |
I.2.1 | ET-OOFS review |
I.2.2 | GODAE OceanVIEW |
I.3 | Development of a partnership (14:00) |
I.3.1 | Clarify points of potential duplication |
I.3.2 | Determine points for joint action |
I.3.3 | Leveraging the working groups to address ET-OOFS |
I.3.4 | Sharing knowledge - latest advances |
I.3.5 | Sharing knowledge - agency/stakeholder/servicing requirements |
I.4 | GOOS (14:45) |
I.4.1 | A joint plan for supporting satellite altimetry and other components of GOOS |
I.4.2 | Discuss JCOMM letter and call amongst the community. Role of JCOMM. What proactive actions are required? Coordination between the groups |
I.5 | Stakeholders (15:30) |
I.5.1 | Stakeholders - user communities |
I.5.2 | Providing a common voice when dealing with stakeholders |
I.6 | Joint Programs (16:00) |
I.6.1 | Monitoring of systems |
I.6.1.1 | Research intercomparisons vs. Operational monitoring |
I.6.1.2 | Progress of pilot project, translating proven elements to operational centre requirements |
I.6.2 | Observing systems vs. Operational observing system requirements |
I.6.3 | Outside groups |
I.6.3.1 | WGNE - engaging to develop benchmark standard for flux products |
I.6.3.2 | WMO - support adoption of recommendations for flux products |
I.7 | Close (17:00) |
II.1 | Opening of JCOMM-ET-OOFS-1 (13:30, 15 November) |
II.2 | JCOMM/SPA/ETs (13:45) |
II.2.1 | Overview of the structure and ToRs of the other groups within JCOMM |
II.2.2 | Presentation: DMPA (Keeley), Dexter?, Donlon? |
II.3 | Expert Team structure and partnerships (14:00) |
II.3.1 | Introduce Core Team, Experts |
II.3.2 | Review GODAE OceanView (follow-on) / ET-OOFS partnership |
II.3.3 | Discuss other key partnerships: DMPA, other ETs, OPA, WGNE |
II.4 | Terms of Reference (14:30) |
II.4.1 | Review specific issues of role, mandate, scope |
II.4.2 | Task: agree upon a set of revisions to the ToR document for JCOMM |
II.4.3 | Task: Confirm the membership of the team |
II.5 | Business (15:00) |
II.5.1 | What needs to be achieved by ET-OOFS? |
II.5.2 | When do things need to be achieved? |
II.5.3 | What are the measures of success? |
II.6 | Specific task: requirements for member agencies (15:30) |
II.6.1 | Discuss the criterion to establish for compliance to be recognized as an agency for ocean forecast services |
II.6.2 | Determine the process for proposing, endorsing and adoption of ET-OOFS recommendations |
II.7 | Specific task: nomenclature, symbology and standards (16:00) |
II.7.1 | Outline the current state of the art |
II.7.2 | Define the priority tasks for 2009 |
II.7.3 | Nominate candidates to lead and address the tasks |
II.8 | Specific task: operational intercomparisons (16:30) |
II.8.1 | Review of the GODAE intercomparisons |
II.8.2 | Discuss a proposed subset for Operational monitoring |
II.8.3 | Define the priority tasks for 2009 |
II.8.4 | Nominate candidates to lead and address the tasks |
II.9 | Special task: servicing (17:00) |
II.9.1 | Review of OOFS products and services |
II.9.2 | Review of user community requirements |
II.10 | Other business (17:30) |
II.11 | Next meeting (18:00) |