7, place de Fontenoy
75732 Paris cedex 07
1 | Opening |
1a | Welcome and Introduction |
2 | Organization of the Session |
2.1 | Adoption of the Agenda |
2.1a | Component 1 |
2.2 | Designation of the Rapporteur |
2.2a | Component 2 and Component 3 |
2.3 | Establishment of the nominations committee and chair for elections |
2.3a | Communication and outreach |
2.4 | Establishment of sessional committees and WGs |
2.5 | Conduct of the session, timetable and documentation |
2a | Review of Project Accomplishments |
3 | Report of ICG/NEAMTWS Intersessional Activities |
3.1 | Report by the Chairperson |
3.2 | Report by IOC Secretariat |
3.3 | Report by other ICGs |
3.4 | Reports by other Intergovernmental Organizations (JRC etc.) |
3.5 | Reports by the Working Groups and Task Teams |
3a | Partners Summaries on Implementation of Tsunani Ready Cycle |
4 | Implementation |
4.1 | Report on CoastWAVE Project |
4.2 | Reports from Tsunami Service Providers and National Tsunami Warning Centers |
4.3 | Reports from Civil Protection Agencies |
4.4 | Reports on other major Projects Related to NEAMTWS |
4.5 | Reports on UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready Programme Implementation |
4.6 | Preliminary Report on NEAMWave23 Exercise |
4.7 | Reports on Ocean Decade, Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme and Research Development and Implementation Plan |
4.8 | Reports on the World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD, 5 Nov) |
4.9 | Second Global Tsunami Symposium |
4a | Tsunami Ready Implementation in France |
5 | Programme for 2024 |
5.1 | Activities scheduled for 2024 |
5.2 | Establishment of intersessional working groups and TTs |
5a | Tsunami Ready Implementation in Italy |
6 | Elections |
6a | Tsunami Ready Implementation in Portugal |
7 | Date and Place for ICG/NEAMTWS XIX |
7a | Tsunami Ready Implementation in Israel |
8 | Any other Business |
8a | Open Discussion on Challenges Faced and Solutions |
9 | Adoption of Decisions and Recommendations |
9a | Future Project Actions |
10 | Closing |
10a | Wrap up and Closing Remarks |
Day 1 | CoastWAVE Project meeting |
Day 2,3 and 4 | ICG/NEAMTWS-XVIII |