Tanoa International Hotel
1 | DAY 1, MONDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 |
1.4 | Opening, Building Tsunami Community Resilience, Earthquake Seismology |
2.1 | End-to-end Tsunami Early Warning and community preparedness: UNESCO IOC Tsunami Ready Pilot Programme - Guidelines and Steps |
2.2 | Preparing for Community Tsunami Evacuations: From Inundation to Evacuation Maps, Response Plans, and Exercises |
3.1 | Earthquake Seismology - Science |
3.2 | Earthquake Seismology - Tectonics, Hazards, Impacts |
3.3 | Pacific Ocean and Pacific Island Historical Seismicity and Tsunami Hazard Sources (far- and near-field) |
3.4 | Using TsuCAT to quick Tsunami Hazard Assessment |
3.5 | Tsunami Science 1, Modelling and Forecasting - Overview |
4 | DAY 2, TUESDAY,1 OCTOBER 2019 |
4.1 | Using Modelling for Hazard Assessment: I. Introduction to ComMIT/MOST; Installation of software |
4.2 | Using Modelling for Hazard Assessment: II. Introduction to ComMIT/MOST; Checking for successful software installation |
4.3 | Tsunami Science 2, Modelling and Forecasting; Summary of different models |
4.4 | Inundation Mapping Modelling Requirements: Earthquake Tsunami Sources, Parameterization |
4.5 | Using ComMIT: Exercise 1. Sample Hazard Assessment |
4.6 | Brief Presentation from each study group |
4.7 | Inundation Modelling Requirements: Ocean Bathymetry and Land Topography Digital Elevation Models (DEMs); Best practices for constructing DEMs |
4.8 | Inundation Modelling Requirements: Practical recommendations for improving coarse DEMS |
4.9 | Using ComMIT: Exercise 2 - Global DEM and Usersupplied grids |
4.10 | Using ComMIT interface for Tsunami Modelling: Features, Model Parameters, Output |
4.11 | Using ComMIT for Inundation Modeling for Evacuaton: Selecting and running maximum credible earthquake scenarios |
4.12 | Using ComMIT: Exercise 3. Verifying the model with historical comparisons at gauge locations |
4.13 | Using ComMIT to Running Custom Propagation Sources |
4.14 | Using ComMIT: Exercise 4 – Running Custom Propagation Sources |
4.15 | Using ComMIT for Inundation Modeling for Evacuation: Selecting and running worst case scenarios |
4.16 | Guidelines for Establishing Tsunami Inundation Areas for regions not modelled or with low hazard |
5.1 | QGIS – Introduction, Installation, Brief Tutorial on how to use |
5.2 | Creating Composite Inundation Map from modeling runs using GIS Software: Importing ComMIT products into QGIS - Example |
5.3 | Tsunami Hazard Assessment Summary Finalizing Inundation Map – Guidelines for Map Publication (Standard Symbology, Colour, Legend, etc.) and official endorsement – Best Practices and Example |
5.4 | Making Inundation Map using GIS software - Exercise 5 |
5.5 | Hazard Assessment Products and Hazard Assessment Report - Best practice and example |
5.6 | Group Presentations – Final Inundation Map |
6 | Next Steps |
7 | Closing, Presentation of Certificates |