Training and Education Centre of BMKG
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan BMKG Citeko
Jl. Raya Puncak Rt. 02/09
Citeko, Cisarua
Bogor, Jawa Barat
West Java 16750
0. | Opening Session |
1. | Session 1: Tsunami Inundation Modeling |
1.1 | Introduction to Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready Indicators |
1.2 | Preparing for Community Tsunami Evacuations From Inundation to Evacuation Maps, Response Plans, and Exercises |
1.3 | Seismotectonics of the Sumatra and Markan Regions Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards in Indian Ocean |
1.4 | Risk Assessment: Probabilistic vs Deterministic (Scenario based) Tsunami Hazard Assessment, Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Indian Ocean Nations (Geoscience Australia, 2009) |
1.5 | Tsunami Science, Modelling and Forecasting - I Science and the use of Modelling for Mitigation |
1.6 | Using Modeling for Hazard Assessment: Introduction to ComMIT/MOST |
1.7 | Tsunami Science, Modelling and Forecasting - II Summary of different models |
1.8 | InaRisk: Indonesia Hazards and Risk Information and Data Source (Tsunami) |
1.9 | Tsunami Science, Modelling and Forecasting - II |
1.10 | Inundation Mapping Modeling Requirements: Earthquake Tsunami Sources, Parameterization |
1.11 | Earthquake Tsunami Sources for the Indian Ocean - Far-field and Nearfield Sources for ComMIT |
1.12 | Brief presentations from each study group |
1.13 | Inundation Mapping Modeling Requirements: Ocean Bathymetry and Land Topography Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Best practices for constructing DEMs |
1.14 | Using ComMIT with Global DEM or User-supplied grids |
1.15 | Using ComMIT Interface for Tsunami Modeling: Features, Model Parameters, Output |
1.16 | Guidelines for Establishing Tsunami Inundation Areas for Regions Notmodeled or with Low-hazard |
1.17 | Optimizing ComMIT inundation runs - developing DEM grids, grid sizing, accuracy and robustness testing, instabilities, and model parameters |
1.18 | Hazard Assessment Products and Hazard Assessment Report - Best Practices and Example |
1.19 | Using ComMIT: Exercise 3 - Stable Model Run with ComMIT or own bathymetry, compare with historical comparisons at gauge locations |
1.20 | Using ComMIT to Running Custom Propagation Sources |
1.21 | Using ComMIT: Exercise 4 - Running Custom Propagation Sources |
1.22 | QGIS - Introduction, Installation, Brief Tutorial on how to use |
2. | Session 2: Inundation Mapping for Evacuation |
2.1 | Tsunami Inundation and Hazard - Creating Inundation Map for Evacuation Planning |
2.2 | Overview of Tsunami Evacuation Planning |
2.3 | Finalizing Inundation Map - Guidelines for Map Publication (Standard Symbology, Color, Legend, etc) and official endorsement - Best Practices and Example |
2.4 | Finalizing Inundation Map using GIS Software - Importing ComMIT products into QGIS |
2.5 | Country Presentation - Final Inundation Map |
3. | Session 3: Evacuation Mapping, Plans, Route, Signage and Tsunami Public Information |
3.1 | Principles in Tsunami Evacuation Map |
3.2 | Principles in Tsunami Evacuation Routes and Signs |
3.3 | Principles in Tsunami Evacuation Place (High ground and Vertical Evacuation) |
3.4 | Case Study on Developing Evacuation Map in Mentawai Island |
3.5 | Installation of QGIS software and Plug-ins |
3.6 | Introduction to Developing Tsunami Evacuation Map using QGIS software |
4. | Session 4: Evacuation Response Plan, SOP and Exercise Planning |
4.1 | Introduction to Indian Ocean End to End Warning, IOTWMS, and Warning Chains |
4.2 | Communicating Warning and Guidance to Community |
4.3 | Introduction to Standard Operating Procedures |
4.4 | Principles in Emergency Operation Plan |
4.5 | Emergency Operation Plan National, local to community (Case Studies) |
4.6 | Presentation of Community Evacuation and Response Plan |
4.7 | Communicating Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures to Community |
4.8 | Public Information Materials |
4.9 | Tsunami Public Information Presentation |
4.10 | Exercising Evacuation |
4.11 | Introduction to Indian Ocean Wave Exercise 2018 |
4.12 | Follow Up on Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready |
5. | Wrap-up, Implementation Plan and Closing |