IOTWMS IOTIC Training on Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans and Procedures

13 - 23 November 2017,

Training and Education Centre of BMKG
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan BMKG Citeko
Jl. Raya Puncak Rt. 02/09
Citeko, Cisarua

Bogor, Jawa Barat
West Java 16750

Annotated Agenda

0. Opening Session
1. Session 1: Tsunami Inundation Modeling
1.1 Introduction to Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready Indicators
1.2 Preparing for Community Tsunami Evacuations From Inundation to Evacuation Maps, Response Plans, and Exercises
1.3 Seismotectonics of the Sumatra and Markan Regions Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards in Indian Ocean
1.4 Risk Assessment: Probabilistic vs Deterministic (Scenario based) Tsunami Hazard Assessment, Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Indian Ocean Nations (Geoscience Australia, 2009)
1.5 Tsunami Science, Modelling and Forecasting - I Science and the use of Modelling for Mitigation
1.6 Using Modeling for Hazard Assessment: Introduction to ComMIT/MOST
1.7 Tsunami Science, Modelling and Forecasting - II Summary of different models
1.8 InaRisk: Indonesia Hazards and Risk Information and Data Source (Tsunami)
1.9 Tsunami Science, Modelling and Forecasting - II
1.10 Inundation Mapping Modeling Requirements: Earthquake Tsunami Sources, Parameterization
1.11 Earthquake Tsunami Sources for the Indian Ocean - Far-field and Nearfield Sources for ComMIT
1.12 Brief presentations from each study group
1.13 Inundation Mapping Modeling Requirements: Ocean Bathymetry and Land Topography Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Best practices for constructing DEMs
1.14 Using ComMIT with Global DEM or User-supplied grids
1.15 Using ComMIT Interface for Tsunami Modeling: Features, Model Parameters, Output
1.16 Guidelines for Establishing Tsunami Inundation Areas for Regions Notmodeled or with Low-hazard
1.17 Optimizing ComMIT inundation runs - developing DEM grids, grid sizing, accuracy and robustness testing, instabilities, and model parameters
1.18 Hazard Assessment Products and Hazard Assessment Report - Best Practices and Example
1.19 Using ComMIT: Exercise 3 - Stable Model Run with ComMIT or own bathymetry, compare with historical comparisons at gauge locations
1.20 Using ComMIT to Running Custom Propagation Sources
1.21 Using ComMIT: Exercise 4 - Running Custom Propagation Sources
1.22 QGIS - Introduction, Installation, Brief Tutorial on how to use
2. Session 2: Inundation Mapping for Evacuation
2.1 Tsunami Inundation and Hazard - Creating Inundation Map for Evacuation Planning
2.2 Overview of Tsunami Evacuation Planning
2.3 Finalizing Inundation Map - Guidelines for Map Publication (Standard Symbology, Color, Legend, etc) and official endorsement - Best Practices and Example
2.4 Finalizing Inundation Map using GIS Software - Importing ComMIT products into QGIS
2.5 Country Presentation - Final Inundation Map
3. Session 3: Evacuation Mapping, Plans, Route, Signage and Tsunami Public Information
3.1 Principles in Tsunami Evacuation Map
3.2 Principles in Tsunami Evacuation Routes and Signs
3.3 Principles in Tsunami Evacuation Place (High ground and Vertical Evacuation)
3.4 Case Study on Developing Evacuation Map in Mentawai Island
3.5 Installation of QGIS software and Plug-ins
3.6 Introduction to Developing Tsunami Evacuation Map using QGIS software
4. Session 4: Evacuation Response Plan, SOP and Exercise Planning
4.1 Introduction to Indian Ocean End to End Warning, IOTWMS, and Warning Chains
4.2 Communicating Warning and Guidance to Community
4.3 Introduction to Standard Operating Procedures
4.4 Principles in Emergency Operation Plan
4.5 Emergency Operation Plan National, local to community (Case Studies)
4.6 Presentation of Community Evacuation and Response Plan
4.7 Communicating Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures to Community
4.8 Public Information Materials
4.9 Tsunami Public Information Presentation
4.10 Exercising Evacuation
4.11 Introduction to Indian Ocean Wave Exercise 2018
4.12 Follow Up on Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready
5. Wrap-up, Implementation Plan and Closing