Technical Meeting On LME:LEARN Project Database And Metadatabases

20 - 21 April 2017,

UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODEā€ 
IODE/UNESCO OfficeWandelaarkaai 7/618400 OostendeBelgium

8400 Oostende

Annotated Agenda

1 Welcome, Introduction and objectives of the meeting
2.1 Adoption of Agenda/Timetable
2.2 Local Arrangements
3 Review of Progress and Discussions
3.1 LME:Learn Project Database (IODE)
3.2 IW: Learn Website (GRID)
3.3 LME Google Layers (IUCN)
4 Discussions on Integration of Systems (IODE, GRID, IUCN)
5 Discussions on feasibility of Centralized metadata repository for GEF Projects (IODE)
6 Development of Data and information management training curriculum
7 Development of LME:Learn data and Information management plan (PCU)
8 Any other business
9 Closing