Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Centre de Nouméa 101 Promenade Roger Laroque Anse BP A5
98848 Noumea Cedex
New Caledonia
0 | Opening |
1 | Assessment of Pacific Island Ocean Observing Capacity, National Reports to include Ocean Observing Requirements & Applications |
1.1 | New Caledonia’s Ocean Observing System |
1.2 | Ocean Observations and Future Requirements for Tonga |
1.3 | Tuvalu National Report |
1.4 | Solomon Islands’ Ocean Observing System, Future Requirements for Applications |
1.5 | Micronesia’s Ocean Observing System 2, Future Requirements for Applications |
1.6 | Emerging Ocean Observation Networks in the Fiji Islands |
1.7 | Thailand’s Ocean Observing System, Future Requirements for Applications |
1.8 | Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) a Decade On |
1.9 | PacIOOS: Ocean Observing in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands |
1.10 | Status of the Tropical Pacific Observing System for 2020 TPOS-2020 (TPOS-2020) |
2 | Stakeholders, Societal Applications of Ocean Observations and Models |
2.1 | Introduction to Waves and Coastal Hazards, Modelling and Forecasting |
2.2 | Status of Pacific Islands Ocean Observing Networks, TAO-TRITON, XBT, Argo, Gliders, Drifters |
2.3 | Pacific Island Tide Gauges and the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) |
2.4 | Pacific Sea Level Monitoring and Available Data Products |
2.5 | Supporting decision-making and Community Resilience with Ocean Information |
2.6 | Monitoring the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs |
2.7 | Responding to the 2016 Coral Bleaching along the Great Barrier Reef: Observations to Modelling |
2.8 | Use of Multirotor and Fixed Wing UAV to Assess Impacts of TC Pam in Vanuatu |
2.9 | Assessment of Inundation Extent and Wave Run Up in Ovalau, Fiji following TC Winston |
2.10 | A Plan for Coastal Hazards Monitoring in Indonesia’s Small Island: The Ambon Bay Case |
2.11 | Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) contribution to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Pre-Operational Phase (2016-2019) |
3 | How to Access Available Regional Ocean Observations Data, Ocean Models for Predicting Weather, Ocean State and Climatology |
3.1 | Introduction of Regional Marine Instrument Center for Asia-Pacific and the Contribution to PI |
3.2 | Best Practice for Ocean Data management and Service at NMDIS/China |
3.3 | Brief Introduction of Chinese Observing Systems and the Development of Marine Standards and Metrology System |
3.4 | JCOMM in-situ Observing Platform Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) - Access to Data |
3.5 | Accessing real-time and Climate Data from Web Browsers and Desktop Applications |
3.6 | COSPPac Ocean Portal and Applications in the Pacific |
3.7 | Availability of Pacific Drifter Data in Support of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and other Applications |
4 | Conceptualization of a Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System to Enhance Model Predictive Capability for Stakeholders |
4.1 | Surface Drifter Technology and Examples of Lagrangian Experiments Planning |
4.2 | Ocean Climate Interactions: What News Before COP22? |
4.3 | COSPPac Ocean & Tides Capacity |
4.4 | Discussion: How Best to Serve PI Stakeholders by Strengthening Existing Ocean Observing Systems to Continue Operations and to Help Fill Identified Gaps |
4.5 | Round-Table to Document |
4.6 | Workshop Assessment, Action Items and General Discussions |
4.7 | Workshop Wrap-Up |
4.8 | Workshop Concluding Remarks |
4.9 | DBCP’s Second Pacific Islands Training Workshop On Ocean Observations and Data Applications (PI-2) Adjourns |