Sixteenth session of the GOOS/GCOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate

03 - 05 September 2013,

NOAA Climate Program Office Office of Climate Observation1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1202 Silver Spring,
Silver Spring, MD 20910
United States

Annotated Agenda

0 Registration
0.1 Welcome from Host, introduction by co-Chairs
1 Context and expectations of OOPC.
1.1 The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
1.2 The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)
1.3 OOPC Terms of Reference
1.4 World Climate Research Program, CLIVAR
2 Developing the OOPC Workplan
2.1 Developing an OOPC Work Plan: Introduction
2.2 Discussion: Developing the OOPC Work Plan, 2013-15
2.3 Recap and Wrap up Day 1
2.4 Discussion: Developing the OOPC Work Plan for 3-5 years.
2.5 Discussion: Connecting WorkPlan to EOV/ECV requirements
3 Implementing the OOPC Work Plan
3.1 Discussion: Projects to progress, champions; future membership and experts to engage
3.2 Discussion: Funding requirements and sources; OOPC Secretariat activites
3.3. Recap and Wrap up Day 2.
J0 Open, Introductions and Welcome.
J1 Joint OOPC/OCG Session: Framework for Ocean Observing/Requirements
J1.1. Update on GOOS including idea of GOOS projects.
J1.2 Report on OOPC plans and approaches
J1.3 Reminder JCOMM-4 charge to OCG; obs system missions: GOOS, GCOS, WMO/RRR.
J1.4 WMO Rolling Review of Requirements / Global Framework for Climate Services
J1.5 Review workshops and activities
J2 Joint OOPC/OCG Session: Framework for Ocean Observing/Evaluation of the Observing System
J2.1 Platform based metrics and implementation progress
J2.2 Towards an EOVs/ECVs based evaluation of the overall system, satellite and in situ
J2.3 Connections to synthesis and product development (GODAE Oceanview, CLIVAR GSOP, JCOMM EFOOFS, JCOMM TT SAT, JCOMM SFSPA, GHRSST)
J3 OOPC/OCG Links and Wrap Up