COEX(Convention & Exhibition Center)
Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu
South Korea
0 | Introduction |
0.1 | Introduction of JCOMM activities |
0.2 | Storm Surge Manual |
1 | Storm Surge Modelling |
1.1 | Recent Developments in Storm Surge Prediction Models for the North Indian Ocean |
1.2 | High Resolution Multi-Process Hurricane Storm Surge Modeling in Southern Louisiana |
1.3 | The future of operational tide-surge modelling systems |
1.4 | Ensemble predictions - the probabilistic approach to storm surge forecasting |
1.5 | Ensemble forecasting of storm surges |
1.6 | Probability forecasts for water levels at the coast of the Netherlands |
2 | Operational Storm Surge Forecasting |
2.1 | Forecast technique using KMA operational storm surge model in the East Asia |
2.2 | Toward an Operational Coastal Warnings and Forecasts Capability |
2.3 | Operational forecasting of tropical cyclones storm surges at Meteo-France |
2.4 | Operational Storm Surge Forecasting at Japan Meteorological Agency |
2.5 | Verification of RiCOM for storm surge forecasting |
3 | MetOcean Forcing |
3.1 | Tropical Cyclone Wind Field Forcing for Surge Models: Critical Issues and Sensitivities |
3.2 | The next generation tropical cyclone-wave-ocean coupled model for research and operational forecasting |
3.3 | Effect of the surface wind stress parameterizations on the storm surge modeling |
3.4 | On the Accuracy of Atmospheric Forcing in Extra-Tropical Storm Surge Prediction |
3.5 | Sensitivity Experiments of winds prediction with planetary boundary layer parameterizations |
4 | MetOcean Forcing Observations |
4.1 | Satellite Remote sensing of severe meteorological/oceanographic events |
4.2 | Upper ocean response to typhoons in the Northwest Pacific from ARGO floats |
4.3 | Long-period water surface fluctuations measured in the coastal waters of Korea |
4.4 | Numerical Study of Tide-Wind Interaction using Internally Generated Tidal Boundary Condition |
5 | Regional Studies |
5.1 | Dynamical aspects of SE South America Storm Surges |
5.2 | Operational Storm Surges Forecasting in an Estuary |
5.3 | Numerical Simulations of Storm Surges in the Bay of Bengal |
5.4 | The Storm Surge Model at the Brazilian Marine Meteorological Service |
5.5 | Numerical Study of the Storm Surges/Tide around Korea by KMA Operational Ocean Model |
5.6 | Storm surge prediction using Artificial Neural Network model and cluster analysis |
5.7 | Operational Wave Setup Prediction System for All the Coast of Korea |
5.8 | Operational Wind Wave Prediction System at KMA |
6 | Regional Application |
6.1 | Storm Surge forecasting for the Arabian Sea |
6.2 | An operational prediction system for storm surges in the Korean Coasts |
6.3 | Historical Storm Surges and Storm Surge Forecasting in Hong Kong |
6.4 | Meteorologically Induces Storm Surge in the Gulf of Guinea: Consequences on Coastal Resources and Infrastructure |
6.5 | Automated Method of the Storm Surges Forecasting for the Kazakgstan's Part of the Caspian Sea |
6.6 | The Circulation In The Japan/East Sea Derived From Operational Korea Ocean Prediction System (KOPS) |
7 | Case Studies |
7.1 | Tropical cyclone Larry: can the observed storm surge be explained by a Holland-type vortex? |
7.2 | The storm surge from tropical cyclone Larry |
7.3 | The case study of the storm surges in the Seto Inland Sea caused by Typhoon Chaba |
7.4 | Hindcasting of Storm Surge by Typhoon 0314(Maemi) in Masan Bay, Korea |
8 | Storm Surge Climate and Climate Change |
8.1 | Extreme Sea Levels, Coastal Flooding and Climate Change |
8.2 | Assessing the impact of climate change on storm surges in southern Australia |
8.3 | Impact on the global warming on the intensity of future tropical storm |
8.4 | Spatially high resolved projections of possible future changes in North Sea storm surge extremes |
8.5 | Exploring the feasibility of regional typhoon modelling |
8.6 | Statistics of abnormal sea states around Korean Peninsula |
8.7 | Storm Surges in Tideless Seas - Southern Baltic Sea |
8.8 | Storm Surges Caused Sea Level Rise and Assessment of the Risk of Inundation along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast |
9 | Risk and Impacts |
9.1 | Developments in storm tide modelling and risk assessment in the Australian region |
9.2 | A surge response surface approach to the estimation of surge hazards in the vicinity of New Orleans |
9.3 | Influence of Landscape Restoration and Degradation on Storm Surge and Waves in Southern Louisiana |
9.4 | Integrating Storm Surge Observations and forecast products |
9.5 | Societal impacts of storm surge and mitigation strategies |
9.6 | Raising awareness of marine-related, physical hazards and risks in coastal management –; an IOC-ICAM project |
10 | Poster Session |
10.1 | Sever storms forecast guide over Egypt |
10.2 | Determination of radius of strong wind over tropical cyclone using microwave sensor |
10.3 | Effects Of the Subsurface Oceanic Condition Observed from Argo Floats to the Characteristics of Typhoons in the Northwest Pacific |
10.4 | Marine Benthic Invertebrates and Impact of Coastal Development at the Western Coast of Alexandria, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt |
10.5 | Estimation and transformation of typhoon parameters and prediction of typhoon winds |
10.6 | Variational Multiple-Doppler Wind Analysis System to Monitor the Storms over South Korea |
10.7 | Prediction of storms in the Island of Hispaniola |
10.8 | Abnormally high storm waves in the East Coast of Korea |
10.9 | Characteristics of differences between satellite-derived sea surface temperature and subsurface temperature from ARGO profiling floats in the Pacific Ocean |
10.10 | Distinction of satellite-observed SST response to typhoons and subsurface response from ARGO floats in the North Pacific |
10.11 | Sensitivity of model resolution to wave setup calculations |
10.12 | Future exploitation of in-situ wave measurements at Station Mike |
10.13 | Development and Application of High Resolution Coastal Storm surges/Tide Prediction System |
10.14 | Simulation of Atmospheric State for the Case of Young-Gwang Storm Surge on 31 March 2007: Model Comparison between MM5, WRF, and COAMPS |
10.15 | Developing ocean prediction system in the northwest Pacific |