UNESCO-IOC Meeting of Experts on tsunami sources and hazard in southern Peru and northern Chile

21 - 25 August 2023,

Universidad de Tarapaca


1.1 Official opening - Welcome and introductions
1.2 Overview of meeting aims/objectives/IOC requirements and expectations of experts meeting / role of UNESCO/IOC and ICG-PTWS
1.3 Discussion on regional implications (Warning/Preparedness)
1.4 Discussion on regional and global implications (Scientific/research) and Intro to local tectonic situation
1.5 Presentation and discussion of ‘what do we want to achieve?’ and key priorities.
2.1 Evaluation of paleo-tsunamis in Peru – focus on the border Chile-Peru
2.2 Evaluation of paleo-tsunamis in Chile– focus on the border Chile-Peru
2.3 Tsunami modelling
2.4 Tsunami and geodetic modelling of 2001 Camana earthquake
2.5 Tsunami source of the 2014 Iquique-Chile earthquake
2.6 Historical tsunami of southern Peru 1868
2.7 Re-confirm and reflection on scientific updates from the previous day. Next steps for the day
3 FOCUS: Seismology, Geodesy and Working Groups discussions
3.1 Seismology (slow earthquakes?)
3.2 Seismicity in southern region of Peru
3.3 GNSS/Geodesy - GPS Network Operating in southern region of Peru
3.4 Seismicity in northern region of Chile
3.5 Map of interseismic coupling of northern Chile & Interseismic loading and megathrust rupture potential in North Chile - South Peru
3.6 Tsunami source uncertainties: addressing challenges through numerical modeling
4 Open Group discussion on source identification: • Worst Credible Scenario (MCE) • Mmax • Segmentation • Deterministic vs. probabilistic approaches - what scenarios we are suggesting. • Uncertainty in source parameters
4 (continued) Group discussion (continued)
5.1 Re-confirm and test meeting outcomes following Day 3 (what can/we need to achieve and priorities)
5.2 Elicitation process on seismic source model to support tsunami discussions (potential models that can be tested)
5.3 Group discussion
5.4 Summary and conclusions on group discussion
5.5 Report Assignments and Deadlines 15:00 – 15:45 Diego Arcas/Group
5.6 Closing Remarks
Community Awareness Public Awareness Event
DAY 1 - Tuesday PM - 2 FOCUS: Science Topics and Open Discussion on Seismic Source
DAY 1 - Tuesday AM - 1 FOCUS: Opening and Introductions - setting the scene
Field Trip Visit to Parque Centenario (evidence for historical and prehistorical tsunamis)
Friday DAY 4 - FOCUS: Open Discussion on Tsunami Source Impact and Report Planning
Thursday DAY 3
Wednesday DAY 2