1st meeting of the Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecast Systems

11 - 15 November 2008,

both meetings in Room <b>Gallieni 5</b>
Palais des Congrès Acropolis



I.1 Opening of Joint GODAE OceanView - JCOMM ET-OOFS meeting (13:00, 11 November)
I.2 Role, responsibilities and objectives (13:15)
I.2.1 ET-OOFS review
I.3 Development of a partnership (14:00)
I.3.1 Clarify points of potential duplication
I.3.2 Determine points for joint action
I.3.3 Leveraging the working groups to address ET-OOFS
I.3.4 Sharing knowledge - latest advances
I.3.5 Sharing knowledge - agency/stakeholder/servicing requirements
I.4 GOOS (14:45)
I.4.1 A joint plan for supporting satellite altimetry and other components of GOOS
I.4.2 Discuss JCOMM letter and call amongst the community. Role of JCOMM. What proactive actions are required? Coordination between the groups
I.5 Stakeholders (15:30)
I.5.1 Stakeholders - user communities
I.5.2 Providing a common voice when dealing with stakeholders
I.6 Joint Programs (16:00)
I.6.1 Monitoring of systems
I.6.1.1 Research intercomparisons vs. Operational monitoring
I.6.1.2 Progress of pilot project, translating proven elements to operational centre requirements
I.6.2 Observing systems vs. Operational observing system requirements
I.6.3 Outside groups
I.6.3.1 WGNE - engaging to develop benchmark standard for flux products
I.6.3.2 WMO - support adoption of recommendations for flux products
I.7 Close (17:00)
II.1 Opening of JCOMM-ET-OOFS-1 (13:30, 15 November)
II.2 JCOMM/SPA/ETs (13:45)
II.2.1 Overview of the structure and ToRs of the other groups within JCOMM
II.2.2 Presentation: DMPA (Keeley), Dexter?, Donlon?
II.3 Expert Team structure and partnerships (14:00)
II.3.1 Introduce Core Team, Experts
II.3.2 Review GODAE OceanView (follow-on) / ET-OOFS partnership
II.3.3 Discuss other key partnerships: DMPA, other ETs, OPA, WGNE
II.4 Terms of Reference (14:30)
II.4.1 Review specific issues of role, mandate, scope
II.4.2 Task: agree upon a set of revisions to the ToR document for JCOMM
II.4.3 Task: Confirm the membership of the team
II.5 Business (15:00)
II.5.1 What needs to be achieved by ET-OOFS?
II.5.2 When do things need to be achieved?
II.5.3 What are the measures of success?
II.6 Specific task: requirements for member agencies (15:30)
II.6.1 Discuss the criterion to establish for compliance to be recognized as an agency for ocean forecast services
II.6.2 Determine the process for proposing, endorsing and adoption of ET-OOFS recommendations
II.7 Specific task: nomenclature, symbology and standards (16:00)
II.7.1 Outline the current state of the art
II.7.2 Define the priority tasks for 2009
II.7.3 Nominate candidates to lead and address the tasks
II.8 Specific task: operational intercomparisons (16:30)
II.8.1 Review of the GODAE intercomparisons
II.8.2 Discuss a proposed subset for Operational monitoring
II.8.3 Define the priority tasks for 2009
II.8.4 Nominate candidates to lead and address the tasks
II.9 Special task: servicing (17:00)
II.9.1 Review of OOFS products and services
II.9.2 Review of user community requirements
II.10 Other business (17:30)
II.11 Next meeting (18:00)