13th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System [Hybrid]

28 November - 01 December 2022,

no location specified or online event


1. Opening Ceremony
2. Reports on Intersessional Activities
2.1 ICG Chairperson's Report
2.2 IOC Secretariat Report
2.3 TOWS-WG Report
2.4 Update of UN Ocean Decade
2.5 UN and Non-UN Organizations
2.6 Report on the Indian Oean Tsunami Information Center (IOTIC)
2.7 UNESCAP NWIO Project Status Report
2.8 IOTWMS Overall Status Report
2.9 Review of ICG/IOTWMS Decisions, Recommendations and Actions
3. Reports on Earthquake and Tsunami Events during the Intersessional Period
4. IOTWMS Tsunami Service Provider and Monitoring Networks Reports
5. Special Session on "Outcomes from Tsunami Ready Indian Ocean Countries Symposium"
5.1 Workshop Outcomes
5.2 Tsunami Ready Recognition Process Programme Outline
5.3 Examples of Tsunami Ready Communitiies
5.4 Tsunami Ready Tools
5.5 Certification Process
6. Task Team Reports
6.1 Indian Ocean Wave 2020
6.2 Tsunami Preparedness for a Near-Field Tsunami Hazard
6.3 Science Hazard Assessment of the Makran Subduction Zone
7. Working Group Reports
7.1 Sub-regional Working Group for the North-West Indian Ocean
7.2 Working Group 1 on Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness
7.3 Working Group 2 on Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination
8. UN Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme
8.1 Safe Ocean Laboratory Satellite Activities
8.2 Draft Science and Implementation Plan
8.3 IOTWMS strategic and implementation planning, including review of national plans and progress in achieving goals of theUN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030
9. Policy Matters Discussions
9.1 Tsunami Ready Implementation
9.2 Capacity Development
9.3 Expansion of IOTWMS to include warning services for tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources
9.4 Think Tank on issues raised in the meeting and new ideas
9.5 Governance and Structure of the ICG/IOTWMS
10. World Tsunami Awareness Day
11. Sessional Reporting
12. Programme and Budget
13. Election of Officers
14. Other Business
15. Next Meeting
16. Adoption of Decisions and Recommendations
17. Closing Ceremony