Intersessional Meeting of the Subregional Working Group for the North West Indian Ocean (WG-NWIO)

29 March 2022

no location specified or online event


1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
1.1 Review of Terms of Reference
1.2 Adoption of Agenda
1.3 Designation of Rapporteur
1.4 Conduct of the Meeting and Documentation
2. Progress of Activities
3. Country Reports
3.1 Yemen
3.2 United Arab Emirates
3.3 Pakistan
3.4 Oman
3.5 Iran
3.6 India
4. Probablistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment
5. Global effort to prepare and and warn for non-seismic tsunami
6. Tsunami Risk Project
7. Non-seismic and complex tsunamis in the North West Indian Ocean
8. Tsunami Ready in the North West Indian Ocean
9. Status of IGCP project on paleo-tsunamis
10. Paleo-tsunami studies in India
11. Closing Remarks