First Session of the IOC Open Ended Intersessional Working Group on the Status of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO)

28 February 2022

no location specified or online event


1. Welcome by the Executive Secretary (5min).
2. Presentation and adoption of the agenda (5 min).
3. Introduction and discussions of the Terms of Reference (TORs) of the OEIWG by the co-Chairs: Ultimate goal, programme of work, expected deliverables, procedures and working methods, schedule of the OEIWG meetings (30 min).
4. Presentation of existing programmes, projects and activities in the IOCINDIO region by the IOCINDIO Chair and the IOC Vice-Chair for Group IV (25 min).
5. Discussions on programmatic perspectives in the region (50 min).
6. Conclusions by the Co-Chairs (5 min).