Regional Standard Operating Procedure Workshop for Broadcasting Media in the Tsunami Warning Chain

07 - 09 September 2021,

no location specified or online event


1. Opening
2. Tsunami hazard in the Makran Region
3. Tsunami Warning Systems serving the North West Indian Ocean
4. National Tsunami Warning Chains and the role of the Media
5. Challenges and requirements for the media
6. National Tsunami Warning Chains
7. Integrated and timeline driven Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in National Tsunami Warning Chains
8. General discussion and closing remarks for Day #1
9. Guided tour of NTWCs (Indian, Oman, Pakistan)
9.1 India
9.2 Oman
9.3 Pakistan
10. Report back from the visits to the NTWCs in the countries
11. Outline working process to draft Media SOPs and support required
12. Discuss preparation of the second Media SOP workshop and Next Steps
13. Closing remarks