Pre-IOWave20 Webinar on Standard Operating Procedures for Tsunami Early Warning and Emergency Response

28 - 30 September 2020,

no location specified or online event


1 Day 1: Monday, 28 September 2020
1.1 Opening
1.2 Introduction to IOWave20
1.3 National Reports: Country Preparation for Exercise IOWave20
1.4 Update from Tsunami Service Providers
1.5 National Reports: Tsunami Warning Chain
1.6 General Overview on National Tsunami Warning Chain
1.7 NTWC Timeline SOP
1.8 Closing of Day 1
2 Day 2: Tuesday, 29 September 2020
2.1 Introduction to Webinar Day 2
2.2 National Report: Timeline based Tsunami Early Warning SOP
2.3 General Overview of NTWC SOP
2.4 NDMO Timeline SOP
2.5 Closing of Day 2
3 Day 3: Wednesday 30 September 2020
3.1 Introduction to Webinar Day 3
3.2 National Report: Timeline based Tsunami Emergency Response SOPs
3.3 General overview of DMO SOP
3.4 General overview of Media SOP
3.5 Closing of Webinar