Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada
Errazuriz 254
1.1 | Welcome and Introductions |
1.2 | Programme Logistics – Building, Local Transportation, Coffee/Tea/Lunch Breaks, Internet/Phone/Fax, etc |
1.3 | Course Overview, Manual, Materials, including Awareness and TW Tools |
1.4 | UNESCO IOC Global Tsunami System, ICGs; Roles of Tsunami National Contacts, Regional Tsunami Service Providers and Tsunami Information Centers, Tsunami Warning Focal Points, National Tsunami Warning Centers |
1.6 | End-to-end Tsunami Warning – Stakeholder and their needs, Roles and Responsibilities, Standard Operating Procedures, and their linkages |
1.7 | Chile example: ChileTsunami Warning and Mitigation System,Lessons learned from 2010, 2011, 2014 and 2015 tsunamis |
2.1 | What tsunami science you need to know to warn for and respond to tsunami warnings? Tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation - what, how, when, impact, damage, and mitigating impact |
2.2 | What earthquake science you need to know to warn for and respond to tsunami warnings? Earthquake Seismology - what, how, when, and damage earthquake causes, etc |
2.3 | Lessons Learned from Past Tsunamis |
2.4 | Role of Post-Tsunami Surveys in Tsunami Mitigation. Post-Tsunami Survey Field Guide |
3.1 | Tsunami Warning Center Overview: What do Tsunami Warning Centers (TWCs) do? What do TWCs provide to Tsunami Emergency Response (TER) agencies? Challenges in Detection and Tsunami Threat Assessment |
3.2 | TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization, Methods and Limitations: Locating Earthquakes (seismometers, seismic stations, sparse networks and hypocentral bias, etc) |
3.3 | TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization, Methods and Limitations: Estimating Magnitudes (macroscopic intensity and instrumental) |
3.4 | TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization, Methods and Limitations: Determine Fault Mechanisms (Double-couple 1st motions to W-Phase Centroid Moment Tensors) |
3.5 | TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization, Methods and Limitations: Identifying Slow Earthquakes, Landslide-generated tsunamis |
3.6 | Improving Tsunami Warning - Emerging Techniques and Technologies: Earthquake Finite Fault Modeling, PTWC real-time GNSS/GPS detection of co-seismic deformation |
3.7 | Improving Tsunami Warning - Emerging Techniques and Technologies: Forecasting the most destructive wave(s), ITU/WMO/IOC SMART Cables for Observing the Ocean |
4.1 | Group 1: Country Presentations (15 min each, 4 countries/session, alphabetical order) |
4.2 | Group 2: Country Presentations (15 min each) - 4 countries |
4.3 | Group 3: Country Presentations (15 min each) - 3 countries |
4.4 | Group 4: Country Presentations (15 min each) - 3 countries |
5.1 | Group 1: Chile SNAM TWC operations drill (45 min), Return to hotel |
5.2 | Group 2: Chile SNAM TWC operations drill (45 min), Return to hotel |
5.3 | Group 3: Chile SNAM TWC operations drill (45 min), Return to hotel |
5.4 | Group 4: Chile SNAM TWC operations drill (45 min), Return to hotel |
6.1 | Global Historical Tsunami Hazards - Pacific, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Indian Ocean; Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard |
6.2 | IOC Regional Efforts on Tsunami Seismic Sources - Caribbean, Central America, South China Sea meeting outcomes, and upcoming plans for Southwest Pacific, Colombia and Ecuado |
6.3 | Tsunami Preparedness and Risk Assessment - Methods, Techniques |
6.4 | Use of Tsunami modeling for hazard and risk assessment - overview |
6.5 | Tsunami Risk Assessment: Modeling and Mapping of Tsunami Inundation - Chile example |
6.6 | Closing remarks: Moving forward and getting wiser - Science, engineering and education working together to save lives |
7.1 | Tsunami Emergency Response Overview: What do TER agencies provide to the Public? Challenges in Alerting, Evacuation, Safe-to-Return (All-Clear), and Preparedness |
7.2 | Communication technologies for the transmission of tsunami warnings to local governments and communities – robustness, reliability, redundancy criteria for emergency communications, 'Downstream' Communications Process |
8.1 | Site 1: Campiche - Methods and Role of Paleoseismology and Tsunami Deposits in Tsunami Hazard Assessment |
8.2 | Site 2: Quintero Bay - Tsunami Hard Countermeasures, Liquefied Natural Gas Quintero Terminal |
8.3 | Site 3: Quintero Bay Tsunami Response Plan |
9 | PTWC Enhnaced Products all |
9.1 | SOPs and Checklists: TWC Templates and examples for Distant, Regional, and Local Tsunamis: Monitoring, Detection and Evaluation, Communications, Message Dissemination |
9.2 | Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: Crisis Event SOPs: Earthquake and Sea Level Monitoring (Data networks and acquisition, quality-control/health status), Earthquake Analysis Methods, Threat Analysis, Forecasting, Products, Dissemination; Routine Operations SOPs: Quality Control and redundancy, contingency and backup |
9.3 | PTWC New Enhanced Products RIFT |
9.4 | NTWC and TER Guidance on how to use PTWC New Enhanced Products for National Warnings and Evacuation - Land and Marine Threats and Public Safety: Flow Charts, Criteria Tables, Timeline-driven SOPs, Message Templates |
9.5 | PTWC Operations: Travel Time and Wave Amplitude Forecasting – Methods (ATFM, SIFT, RIFT), Limitations, Uncertainty, Sensitivity Studies (Location, Depth, Magnitude) |
9.6 | Learning Activities (Groups 1 and 2 switch after 90 min) |
11.1 | SOPs and Checklists: Case Studies (New Zealand, Japan Wakayama, US California and Hawaii) |
11.2 | HOMEWORK - Learning Activity: Improving Response – Tsunami Warning Chain for Local Scenario - What Happens When |
11.3 | Catalan ITP Vertical Evacuation |
11.4 | Mitigation: Ports and Harbors, and Marine Sector Readines |
11.5 | Role of Ministry of Education in Tsunami Mitigation - Chile example |
11.6 | Implementing Tsunami Ready (TR) programs to recognize community readiness - Pacific and Caribbean guidelines; Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures (TEMPP) |
11.7.1.TER | TR PREP-1: Making Community-based Evacuation Maps, Routes, and Signage - guidance |
11.7.1.TWC | Seismology: 1. Discriminating source characteristics from seismograms (shallow, deep, slow, great earthquakes) - 2. Stress, Strain, and Double-couple focal Mechanisms (if not covered by Emile Okal) - 3. Calculating W-phase CMTs. What is CMT, What is a W-phase, How are inversions done |
11.8.1.TER1 | Create Community Evacuation Map - paper and pencil - Valparaiso, Chile example |
11.8.1.TER2 | Create Community Evacuation Map, including routes, signage - electronic using QGIS geospatial software - step-by-step instructions |
11.8.1.TER3 | Create Community Evacuation Map, including routes, signage - QGIS; Valparaiso, Chile example |
11.8.1.TWC | Tsunami Monitoring Instrumentation: 1. Coastal sea level stations - 2. DART deep-ocean systems - 3. Methods of Data Transmission |
11.9 | TR RESP-1 and PREP-4: Making Community Response Plans and Conducting Drills - guidance and templates |
11.10 | Public Awareness and Community Preparedness - Strategies and Examples, incl Chile example |
11.11 | TR PREP-2: Creating Public Awareness poster, including evacuation |
11.12 | Country Sharing: Creating Public Awareness poster |
11.13 | Catch up or Roles of Media and Social Media in Warning: Case Studies (Japan, Chile) |
12.1 | Tsunami Exercises |
12.2 | Exercise Chile Wave 2018 (ECW-18) Tsunami Exercise, Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products - Introduction, Format, Conduct |
12.3 | ECW-18 Tsunami Exercise Preparation - 'Country' TWC / TER SOPs, Criteria Tables, Response Plans, Alerting, Media, Cancellation, etc |
12.4 | ECW-18 Tsunami Exercise - setup and last instruction |
12.5 | ECW-18 Tsunami Exercise - Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products - Local Scenario |
12.6 | ECW-18 Tsunami Exercise Hotwash - simulated 'Press Conference |
13.1 | 2018 PTWS Calendar: Action Items and Priorities |
13.2 | Summary Discussion (Way Forward, Next Steps, Gaps, Needs) - PTWC New Products, SOPs, Preparedness |
13.3 | ITP-Hawaii in Chile 2018 Logistics wrap-up |
14 | Presentation of Certificates and Closing Ceremon |