SG-OTGA: 2018 Session of the IODE Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Global Academy Project

16 - 18 May 2018,

Vlaamse Overheid - Herman Teirlinck Gebouw†Havenlaan 88
1000 Brussels


1. Opening of the Meeting
1.1. Welcome by the donor representative, etc
1.2. Adoption of the agenda and timetable
1.3. Introduction of participants
2. Introduction to OTGA Project status
2.1. Overview of Project activities
2.2. Certification as a Learning Services Provider
3. Review of OTGA RTCs activities
3.1. OTGA Designated RTCs
3.2. OTGA Candidate RTCs
3.3. Review of OTGA RTC Guidelines
4. OTGA Project Budget
5. OTGA Work Plan
5.1 . OTGA RTCs Course plan/training topics
5.2. OTGA RTCs activities (general)
5.3. OTGA Outreach and Communication Strategy
6. OTGA Joint Facilities
6.1. OTGA web site & e-Learning Platform
6.2. OTGA Back Office
6.3. OTGA and Copyright
6.4. Trello
7. The Future of OTGA
8. Summary Discussions
8.1. Any other business
8.2. Date and place of the next session
8.3. Designation of SG Chair
8.4. Summary Report / conclusions of the Meeting
9. Closing of the Meeting
10 Side Workshops
10.1 Using Moodle
10.2 Using Trello
10.3 OTGA Back Office