PILOT COURSE: TSUNAMI EVACUATION MAPS, PLANS, AND PROCEDURES (TEMPP 3) / Mapas, planes y procedimientos de evacuacion en caso de tsunami

15 - 19 August 2016,



1 Opening
1.1 Opening Ceremonies
1.2 Logistics and Administrative Items, Introductions, Course Overview
2 End-to-End Tsunami Warning, Science and Hazard, Inundation Mapping, Evacuation Mapping
2.1 End-to-end Tsunami Warning – Responding Rapidly and Effectively
2.2 Community Preparedness – CARIBE-EWS, PTWS Tsunami Ready Pilot Recognition Programs
2.3 Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards for Honduras and Central America - Overview and Results from Seismic Sources Expert Meeting (June 2016)
2.4 Tsunami Risk Assessment - Using Numerical Modeling to create Tsunami Inundation Maps – Overview; Guidelines for Establishing Tsunami Inundation Areas for Regions Not-modeled or with Low-hazard - Sambo Creek
2.5 Tsunami Mitigation and Preparedness - Importance of Evacuation Maps for Saving Lives – Overview
3 Using QGIS - Making the Evacuation map
3.1 Using GIS to develop Evacuation Maps – Overview
3.2 QGIS software, IT requirements, and how to install and use
3.3 Inputting ComMIT Inundation results (amplitude, arrival time) and other data layers into QGIS
3.4 Hands-on activity
3.5 Data necessary for tsunami evacuation map-making
3.6 Integrating GIS data layers for evacuation map-making; Using QGIS to identify critical and sensitive infrastructure – schools, hospitals, hotels, airports, etc
3.7 Hands-on activity
3.8 Guidelines for defining the evacuation zone, including zones (number), colors, symbology
3.9 Hands-on activity - Making the evacuation map using paper and pencil
3.10 Using QGIS to decide on the optimal Tsunami Evacuation Zone and Assembly Points
3.11 Hands-on activity
3.12 Using QGIS to identifying Evacuation Routes
4 Community engagement, Cedeño visit
4.1 Community engagement and participation - Objectives, Stakeholder Input, Cedeño visit plan
4.2 Town-watching' - Ground-truth evacuation map, walk evacuation routes
5 Cedeño - Community meeting
5.1 Opening
5.2 Qué es un Tsunami y que lo genera ?
5.3 El Litoral Pacifico de Honduras está en peligro de ser afectado por un Tsunami?
5.4 Modelaje de inundación y sitios más vulnerables ante la llegada de olas de tsunami a la costa pacífica de Honduras
5.5 Como funciona el Sistema de Alerta Temprana ante Tsunami
5.6 Esta Preparado el Municipio de Marcovia para asistir a su población en caso de Tsunami.
5.7 Mapa de evacuación por Tsunami para Cedeño y el programa Tsunami Ready en Cedeño
5.8 Closing
6 Finalizing Evacuation Map
6.1 Finalizing Evacuation Map - Guidelines for Map publication (scale, text, legend) and Official Endorsement
6.2 Finalizing Evacuation Map – Summarizing feedback, Integrating observations from site visit
6.3 Using QGIS to create final map, with Standard Symbology, Color, and Legend
6.4 Hands-on activity
6.5 Using QGIS to create maps in different formats and platforms for Outreach and Education
6.6 Sign Guidance (what and where to place), Socializing Evacuation Map and Plan: Complementary Map Information,
6.7 Hands-on activity - Signage, Finalize Evacuation Map
6.8 Group Presentations - Final Evacuation Maps
6.9 TEMPP4 Overview - Tsunami Response Plans and Drills, Tsunami Ready
6.10 TEMPP3 Training Evaluation
7 Closing Ceremonies