United States
1 | Opening |
2 | Review Goals of Forum |
3 | Welcome Keynote |
4 | Where is GOOS Heading? |
5 | Review and Analysis of Regional Alliance Assessments |
6 | Continued Discussion on GRA Analysis |
7 | Success Stories & Highlights from the GRAs |
7.1 | PacIOOS |
7.2 | GOOS Africa |
7.3 | Black Sea GOOS |
7.4 | EuroGOOS |
7.5 | IMOS |
7.6 | IOCARIBE |
7.7 | IOGOOS |
7.8 | MONGOOS |
7.9 | OCEATLAN |
7.10 | Perth Office and PI-GOOS |
7.11 | SEAGOOS |
7.12 | SOOS |
8 | Day 1 Wrap Up |
9 | Special Topic Presentation: Ocean Tracking Network |
10 | Discussion on Benefits to and from Global System |
11 | GOOS Regional Policy Document Review |
12 | Continued Discussion on Benefits to and from Global System |
13 | Focused Topic Area – Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Modeling |
14 | Afternoon session to brainstorm Common Projects and Funding Mechanisms |
15 | Meeting Wrap Up |