JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surges

02 - 06 October 2007,

COEX(Convention & Exhibition Center)
Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu

South Korea


0 Introduction
0.1 Introduction of JCOMM activities
0.2 Storm Surge Manual
1 Storm Surge Modelling
1.1 Recent Developments in Storm Surge Prediction Models for the North Indian Ocean
1.2 High Resolution Multi-Process Hurricane Storm Surge Modeling in Southern Louisiana
1.3 The future of operational tide-surge modelling systems
1.4 Ensemble predictions - the probabilistic approach to storm surge forecasting
1.5 Ensemble forecasting of storm surges
1.6 Probability forecasts for water levels at the coast of the Netherlands
2 Operational Storm Surge Forecasting
2.1 Forecast technique using KMA operational storm surge model in the East Asia
2.2 Toward an Operational Coastal Warnings and Forecasts Capability
2.3 Operational forecasting of tropical cyclones storm surges at Meteo-France
2.4 Operational Storm Surge Forecasting at Japan Meteorological Agency
2.5 Verification of RiCOM for storm surge forecasting
3 MetOcean Forcing
3.1 Tropical Cyclone Wind Field Forcing for Surge Models: Critical Issues and Sensitivities
3.2 The next generation tropical cyclone-wave-ocean coupled model for research and operational forecasting
3.3 Effect of the surface wind stress parameterizations on the storm surge modeling
3.4 On the Accuracy of Atmospheric Forcing in Extra-Tropical Storm Surge Prediction
3.5 Sensitivity Experiments of winds prediction with planetary boundary layer parameterizations
4 MetOcean Forcing Observations
4.1 Satellite Remote sensing of severe meteorological/oceanographic events
4.2 Upper ocean response to typhoons in the Northwest Pacific from ARGO floats
4.3 Long-period water surface fluctuations measured in the coastal waters of Korea
4.4 Numerical Study of Tide-Wind Interaction using Internally Generated Tidal Boundary Condition
5 Regional Studies
5.1 Dynamical aspects of SE South America Storm Surges
5.2 Operational Storm Surges Forecasting in an Estuary
5.3 Numerical Simulations of Storm Surges in the Bay of Bengal
5.4 The Storm Surge Model at the Brazilian Marine Meteorological Service
5.5 Numerical Study of the Storm Surges/Tide around Korea by KMA Operational Ocean Model
5.6 Storm surge prediction using Artificial Neural Network model and cluster analysis
5.7 Operational Wave Setup Prediction System for All the Coast of Korea
5.8 Operational Wind Wave Prediction System at KMA
6 Regional Application
6.1 Storm Surge forecasting for the Arabian Sea
6.2 An operational prediction system for storm surges in the Korean Coasts
6.3 Historical Storm Surges and Storm Surge Forecasting in Hong Kong
6.4 Meteorologically Induces Storm Surge in the Gulf of Guinea: Consequences on Coastal Resources and Infrastructure
6.5 Automated Method of the Storm Surges Forecasting for the Kazakgstan's Part of the Caspian Sea
6.6 The Circulation In The Japan/East Sea Derived From Operational Korea Ocean Prediction System (KOPS)
7 Case Studies
7.1 Tropical cyclone Larry: can the observed storm surge be explained by a Holland-type vortex?
7.2 The storm surge from tropical cyclone Larry
7.3 The case study of the storm surges in the Seto Inland Sea caused by Typhoon Chaba
7.4 Hindcasting of Storm Surge by Typhoon 0314(Maemi) in Masan Bay, Korea
8 Storm Surge Climate and Climate Change
8.1 Extreme Sea Levels, Coastal Flooding and Climate Change
8.2 Assessing the impact of climate change on storm surges in southern Australia
8.3 Impact on the global warming on the intensity of future tropical storm
8.4 Spatially high resolved projections of possible future changes in North Sea storm surge extremes
8.5 Exploring the feasibility of regional typhoon modelling
8.6 Statistics of abnormal sea states around Korean Peninsula
8.7 Storm Surges in Tideless Seas - Southern Baltic Sea
8.8 Storm Surges Caused Sea Level Rise and Assessment of the Risk of Inundation along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
9 Risk and Impacts
9.1 Developments in storm tide modelling and risk assessment in the Australian region
9.2 A surge response surface approach to the estimation of surge hazards in the vicinity of New Orleans
9.3 Influence of Landscape Restoration and Degradation on Storm Surge and Waves in Southern Louisiana
9.4 Integrating Storm Surge Observations and forecast products
9.5 Societal impacts of storm surge and mitigation strategies
9.6 Raising awareness of marine-related, physical hazards and risks in coastal management –; an IOC-ICAM project
10 Poster Session
10.1 Sever storms forecast guide over Egypt
10.2 Determination of radius of strong wind over tropical cyclone using microwave sensor
10.3 Effects Of the Subsurface Oceanic Condition Observed from Argo Floats to the Characteristics of Typhoons in the Northwest Pacific
10.4 Marine Benthic Invertebrates and Impact of Coastal Development at the Western Coast of Alexandria, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt
10.5 Estimation and transformation of typhoon parameters and prediction of typhoon winds
10.6 Variational Multiple-Doppler Wind Analysis System to Monitor the Storms over South Korea
10.7 Prediction of storms in the Island of Hispaniola
10.8 Abnormally high storm waves in the East Coast of Korea
10.9 Characteristics of differences between satellite-derived sea surface temperature and subsurface temperature from ARGO profiling floats in the Pacific Ocean
10.10 Distinction of satellite-observed SST response to typhoons and subsurface response from ARGO floats in the North Pacific
10.11 Sensitivity of model resolution to wave setup calculations
10.12 Future exploitation of in-situ wave measurements at Station Mike
10.13 Development and Application of High Resolution Coastal Storm surges/Tide Prediction System
10.14 Simulation of Atmospheric State for the Case of Young-Gwang Storm Surge on 31 March 2007: Model Comparison between MM5, WRF, and COAMPS
10.15 Developing ocean prediction system in the northwest Pacific