Lane-3, Officer Colony, Misriyal Road,
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Geo-Tech Consultancy Services, Pakistan.
Accredited and Participated in UNOC2022
Signatory to UNGC since 2016.
Peer Reviewer, UNDOALOS Experts Pool, UN Hqs. New York, U.S.A.
Think Tank to G20 Secretariat.
Lifetime Achievement Award from President of U.S.A.
Champion of Reforms, Ministry of PD&SI, Government of Pakistan.
Globalwonks Expert since Dec. 09, 2020.
Expert DOSI Deep Sea Biodiversity Conservation Task Force, University of Southampton, London, U.K.
Stakeholder IPBES (Inter-governmental Science-policy Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services), Bonn, Germany.
Member Review Group for GHG-Protocol emissions, WRI, Washington DC, U.S.A.
Expert for European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST), Belgium.
Merit Reviewer for NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge, Federal Government of U.S.A.
Advisor, EBRD, London, U.K.
ORC ID: 0000-0002-7213-5233