OceanExpert ID : 23319

Deep Ocean Observing Strategy

(Deep Ocean Observing Strategy)


N/A, N/A
United States


International / Intergovernmental


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DOOS is a community-driven, international initiative strategically aligning the deep ocean observing community toward collective solution-based science.

DOOS is an NSF-funded network of networks working within the realm of the deep ocean (> 200m). We represent a global community of deep ocean observing, mapping, and modeling groups and individuals. DOOS working groups address global deep-sea challenges at the intersection of communities and disciplines. Working groups are designed with community input to determine priority actions, leverage existing research efforts and resources, and address defined challenges and gaps together. Across all working groups, DOOS focuses on promoting and enabling FAIR (Findable, Accessible Interoperable, and Reusable) data practices, elevation of early career professionals to leaderships positions, and supporting innovation to increase our global capacity to observe the deep sea. DOOS is open and inclusive, fostering the next generation of global leaders as we tackle today's challenges.

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Leslie SMITH
Project Director

Created: 2023-03-29 by Leslie Smith | Last Updated: 2024-05-27 by Sofie de Baenst