OceanExpert ID : 22877

ConCiencia Marina
(ConCiencia Marina)
Calle T1 Mz J 11 Lote 21 Urbanización Los Cedros de Villa. Chorrillos.
Lima 15067
Private non-profit
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We are a team of professionals committed to environmental issues, the
sustainability of marine resources and the social responsibility involved
in fishing activity.
Our goal is to promote the protection of the marine-coastal ecosystem with a sound scientific grounding and the sustainability of marine
resources through science and social involvement.
Field of action:
Socioenvironmental Projects:
Development of projects that involve social
actors so that they become agents of
change in order to involve them in the
commitment to protect the marine-coastal.
Research Proyects:
Design and implementation of scientific
research and technological development
projects that contribute to solving
problems of the marine-coastal.
Education and awareness:
Development of education and awareness
activities for society in marine
environmental education and the
responsible consumption of
hydrobiological resources.