OceanExpert ID : 22125

BIOSUSTENTE Estudos Ambientais Ltda.

(BIOSUSTENTE Environmetal Studies Ltda.)


Rua Djalma Ulrich 326/701
Rio de Janeiro-Rio de Janeiro


Private commercial


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+55 21 981590377




Environmental consulting services in different sectors of the economy (Electrical Energy, Oil & Gas, Mining, Industry, Civil Construction), in the preparation, coordination, supervision, review, implementation and execution of environmental studies and projects, as well as offering and delivering courses in technical training in company and in the field:

- Data analysis with "Data mining" tools (data mining);
- Environmental licensing and management;
- Fauna license;
- Vegetation suppression license;
- Environmental diagnosis of physical, biotic and socioeconomic;
- Environmental Impact Analysis - EIA;
- Environmental Risk Analysis;
- Socioeconomic registry;
- Participatory Diagnosis: socioeconomic and indigenous population;
- Environmental Studies: Environmental Impact Study and Environmental Impact Report - EIA/RIMA; Simplified Environmental Report - RAS; Preliminary Environmental Report - RAP; Basic Environmental Project - PBA; Environmental Control Project - PCA; Environmental Characterization Projects; between others;
- Indigenous Component Study - ICS/ECI;
- Integrated Environmental Assessment – IEA;
- Environmental Assessment of Sedimentary Areas – EASA;
- Review of technical-scientific texts;
- Environmental cost budgets, including OPE;
- Analysis of compliance with the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, and EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) Guidelines;
- Environmental Management Plans for biodiversity, conservation and environmental protection;
- Environmental characterization;
- Environmental monitoring;
- Training courses: Environmental Education; Environmental Impact Analysis; Environmental Licensing; Technical-scientific research methodology; Writing technical-scientific texts, among others;
- Training courses by customer request.

Created: 2021-09-15 | Last Updated: 2021-09-16 by Sofie de Baenst