OceanExpert ID : 21935

University of South Carolina


School of the Earth, Ocean & Environment
Columbia, SC 292028
United States






The School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment (SEOE), a unit within the College of Arts and Sciences, encompasses research and education in geology and geophysics, marine sciences, and environment. Our focal academic areas span the range from the natural and social sciences to the environmental humanities.

The Marine Science academic program in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (USC-Columbia) is an interdisciplinary educational program offering curricula which lead to the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Marine Science.

A key feature of the program from its inception has been a combination of experience across the disciplines that broadly constitute Marine Science and involvement in research. Currently there are ~ 300 undergraduate majors and ~ 30 graduate students in our program.

Established in 1972 by Dr. F. John Vernberg, we are among the oldest, most respected and vibrant marine science degree programs in the country. Our first doctoral and masters students graduated in 1973 and our first undergraduate Marine Science degree was awarded in 1974.

We now have more than 1200 undergraduate and 150 graduate alumni who have positions throughout academia, government, and industry. Our internationally-recognized faculty span a wide range of disciplines and include Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Geochemical Society. Their diversity of talents results in a curriculum that is cutting edge and interdisciplinary; drawing upon subject matter from Geology, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Law, Medicine and Environmental Health, and the Social Sciences into pioneering studies of the ocean.

Furthermore, our faculty provide research opportunities across all aspects of marine science. The acclaim of our students and faculty, coupled with increasing enrollments, resulted in the formalization and incorporation of our program into one of the central components the School of the Earth, Ocean, and Environment in 2016.

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Professor and Associate Dean

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Environmental Scientist II

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Melissa IDE
Deputy Director, NERRS Centralized Data Management Office

Created: 2021-06-22 by Claudia Benitez-Nelson | Last Updated: 2021-06-22 by Sofie de Baenst