OceanExpert ID : 21511
Gulf of Guinea Disaster Risk Reduction & Urban Resilience Academy
(Gulf of Guinea Disaster Risk Reduction & Urban Resilience Academy )
Plot 1088 Joseph Gomwalk Street, Gudu District, Abuja
Abuja 1111
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GGDRRURA is a research think tank of multidisciplinary
development teams that (i) develop assessment methods to understand the
vulnerabilities of marine and coastal infrastructure including mangrove
ecosystem, water resources and energy infrastructure, wetlands and watersheds
to anthropological and climate change impacts, and (ii) create tools to help
decision makers design adaptation strategies that will increase the resilience
of these valued man – made and natural resources in the face of changing
environmental conditions and extreme events. Other activities include
marine research, solid waste management, renewable energy, climate change
impacts, adaptation and mitigation, and resilience vital for urban resilience in the cities of the gulf.