OceanExpert ID : 21408

Inter- Ocean-Climate School


Rue du Capitaine de Frégate Hippolyte Vial
Open Ocean Universuty
06800 Cagnes-sur-Mer




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Our overall, broad goal is to encourage attendees to become an even better ocean-climate-literate stakeholders.

An ocean-climate literate citizen:

  • understands the inter-relatedness or nexus of the ocean and the climate and their importance to humanity and nature;

  • can communicate about the ocean, the climate and their intersection in a meaningful way; and

  • is able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding their impact on the ocean, its resources and the climate.Several objectives intertwine in synergistic fashion, each one reinforcing the others:

Several objectives intertwine in synergistic fashion, each one reinforcing the others:

  • Provide a structured, methodologically-proven, creative and participatory framework for participants to learn about, engage with and be challenged by the complex interactions among, and dynamics of, actions, resources, science, sustainability, evolution, ethics, best practices, policy and governance related to oceans, especially the Mediterranean basin, and its coasts under the physical and societal consequences of climate change;
  • Give participants the experience of being actors in the definition, building and writing of  new roadmaps for concrete actions for the climate and oceans, especially in the Mediterranean basin and along its coasts;
  • Allow participants to experience three different, but complementary, methodological approaches from the inside, and take back new implementable skills to their place of work;
  • Give participants the hands-on experience of actually practicing and improving their personal, social, technical and scientific skills in the negotiation of roadmaps for action;
  • Provide a rich opportunity for participants to do in-depth networking and make meaningful connections with like-minded people;
  • Enable each participant to express themselves freely, in their own unique way and at their own level;
  • Offer the opportunity for each participant to reap the reward of working closely with others, and of becoming owners of a common work, the (to-be-written) roadmaps for actions for a climate-changing ocean, especially the Mediterranean.  The roadmaps are likely to be useful later when participants return to their organizations and embark on or continue in their quest for implementing appropriate action.
  • In short, encourage greater ocean-climate literacy (literacy of both oceans and climate and of the interactions among those two systems and between them and humanity), and thus help us to be be more geoethical and the world to become just that bit more sustainable.

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Prof, Editor, Facilitator

Created: 2021-01-17 by David Crookall | Last Updated: 2021-08-30 by David Crookall