OceanExpert ID : 21063

Associação Brsasileira de Combate ao Lixo Marinho


ua Alberto Willo, 418 – Casa 3, Planalto Paulista, CEP: 04067-041.
São Paulo-SP




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The Brazilian Association to Combat the Marine Litter - ABLM (former Global Garbage Brazil) is an entity qualified as a Social Organization of Public Interest - OSCIP (2016) with the objective of promoting sustainable development and quality of life through environmental strategies of defense, conservation, preservation and recovery actions in marine and coastal ecosystems.

ABLM was legally established in Brazil in June 2013 with the objective of establishing partnerships to combat marine pollution and to organize a marine garbage monitoring network in coastal environments. ABLM was co-responsible for preparing the guiding documents for Brazilian public policies on the topic of marine waste, together with the Ministry of the Environment (Coastal Management), through the Global Cooperation Agreement Garbage-ABLM / Global Program of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities (GPA) between 2012-2014:

• Terms of Reference of the Brazilian Garbage Partnership at Sea / GPA - UNEP

• Discussion Document of the 1st Brazilian Conference on Garbage at Sea

• Preliminary version (“Draft”) of the Niteroiense Action Plan for Garbage at Sea

• Guidelines of the Brazilian Waste Monitoring Program at Sea

• Guidelines of the Brazilian Garbage Monitoring Program at Sea by Ship

• Terms of Reference of the Brazilian Beach Cleaning Network

• Guidelines for the Brazilian Beach Cleaning Program

With the expansion of its membership, ABLM operates in several coastal states (CE, BA, ES, RJ, SP, PR, SC, RS), articulating several social actors, segments and sectors: from traditional communities, artisanal fishermen, extractivists, sports groups, researchers, students, educational institutions, social organizations, companies and government sectors, institutional nuclei - subjects that we now call “Sea Peoples”. ABLM's mission is to combat the waste into the sea by raising public awareness and seeking partnerships to promote interaction between the sectors of research and development of technologies related to marine waste, traditional knowledge and the strengthening of integration and management mechanisms socioenvironmental participation of “Sea Peoples”.

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Gestor Ambiental

Created: 2020-10-16 | Last Updated: 2022-04-26 by Sofie de Baenst