OceanExpert ID : 20192

Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l'Univers (OASU)

(Aquitaine Observatory of the Sciences of the Universe)


Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
Bât. B18N
33600 Pessac




+33 540008350



EDMO code



The OASU is one of the 28 "Universe Sciences Observatories" that pave the French observation lanscape in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Oceanography, Atmospheric, Earth and Environmental Sciences, with methodologies linked to physics, chemistry, biology, and humanities & social sciences. The OASU is a partnernship between the University of Bordeaux, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS),  and IRSTEA, La Rochelle University and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research

The OASU  federates  independent laboratories that carry out their own research activities and that participate to the missions of the OASU, i.e. the long-term environmental observation (universe, earth, ocean, atmosphere, littoral, coastal ecosystems) and the development of associated methodologies (instrumentation, data collection, definition of good practices, data analysis, modelling, data diffusion), higher education linked to those fields, and finally a force in initiating innovative interdisciplinary projects. Related to long-term observation,  the OASU coordinates or participates to the so-called "National Observational Services" that are labelled by the CNRS (SOMLIT, ALMA, GAIA, JUICE, International VLBI Service, DynaLIT). The research topics within the OASU range from the structure of galaxies and planets, the biogeochemical processes in rivers, lagoons, oceans and water-sediment interface, through coastal hydrodynamics, air and water pollution, land surfaces, remote sensing, genesis of oceanic sedimentary bodies and high frequency variability of past climates and prehistory.

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Created: 2019-06-20 by François Gaudin | Last Updated: 2020-04-07 by Arno Lambert