OceanExpert ID : 19132

Institut National de Cartography

(National Institute of Cartography)


Avenue Monseigneur Vogt, P.O Box 157




00 237 222 22 29 21


00 237 222 23 39 54




INC mission is to ensure the implementation of work on mapping and remote sensing and geographical work throughout the country.

Missions of general interest fixed by the State

  • Plan, implement or enforce all necessary work for the establishment and maintenance of gravity and geodetic networks of leveling and the maintenance of basic networks of research and data collection thematic geographical character
  •    A complete work on remote sensing and digitization of cartographic data; 
  • Conduct research related to the activities mentioned below;
  •   Establish, maintain and publish topographic maps. Any time at the request of users, INC can produce plans and thematic maps;
  • Collecting, filing system, the results of geographical research and the survey work undertaken plans for both private companies and by the communities and public services;

  • Participate in the demarcation of international boundaries and administrative units;

  • Store in the area of ??its jurisdiction, all documents of the national territory for the surveying, leveling, aerial photography, surveying, remote sensing and mapping the boundaries of international borders and administrative units;

  • Participate in the development of technical documents and implementation of all photographic work, surveying, photogrammetry, topographic mapping, and remote sensing;

  • Geographical coordinate research across the country;Investigate and provide technical advice on applications for geographical research on the country made ​​by foreign researchers. In addition, the INC is associated with the engineering feasibility and feasibility studies prior to major development projects likely to cause damage to the environment.       

To this end:

  • INC participates in the development of government policy on the environment;
  • INC is responsible for the study and mapping of natural hazards.

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Created: 2018-06-11 by Chretien Ngouanet | Last Updated: 2018-06-11