National Centre for Earth Science Studies
Thiruvananthapuram 695011
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Field stations with facilities for offshore wave and current measurements will be established at Kanaykumari-Kollam, Thrissur-Kozhikode and Kasargod-Mangalore coastal sectors with facilities for continuous beach-surf zone and nearshore data generation. Wave and tide measuring systems and current meters will be deployed in the offshore and surf zone. Close grid bathymetric data will be generated. Video imaging system for beach-surf zone monitoring will be established at Kanaykumari-Kollam and Thrissur-Kozhikode coastal field stations. Beach profiling along with observations on micro level beach morphological forms such as beach cusps, rhythmic morphologies and longshore bars will be carried out at each of the study areas. The data will be processed to derive shoreline changes, beach-nearshore morphological modifications, placer hydrodynamics and grading, mudbank dynamics and nearshore sediment transport. The data will be further used to calibrate and validate the numerical models for predicting the coastal processes. Coastal hydrological studies particularly investigations for Submarine Groundwater Discharge will be carried out using conventional techniques (remote sensing, resistivity surveys and hydrogeological surveys) as well as with the help of in situ studies (seepage meters, mini piezometers and radon measurements). The data will be used to generate annual discharge rate and nutrient transport at the identified sites within the Kanyakumari-Kollam sector. The bathymetry, geometry, hydrodynamics, sediment, physico-environmental characteristics and pollution load of Valapattanam estuary will be collected. The estuarine processes will be modelled to generate a management plan for the estuary.

Post Doctoral Fellow

Swathy P S
research fellow

Anoop TR
Project Scientist

Sameer V K
Project Assistant