OceanExpert ID : 19004

Yogi Vemana University


Vemana Puram
Yogi Vemana University Road, Ganganapalle
Kadapa 516005
Andhra Pradesh




+91 8562 225446


+91 8562 225443




Named after a renowned philosopher- thinker, poet, sage and yogi, Vemana, Yogi Vemana University, established in the year 2006, by an Act of A.P state legislature is a blessing and boon for the students and researchers of the backward Rayalseema region in general and Y.S. R district in particular. The erstwhile Sri Venkateswara University Post Graduate Centre was elevated to a University with a humble and noble intention of providing a more conducive environment to impart value-based education and promote quality research and service. The university is committed to nurture and uphold healthy academic standards which contribute to the social, intellectual and moral development.

  1. Envisaged to flourish in the academic domain as one of the globally renowned public universities
  2. Safeguarding the spirit of true education and strive for human and academic excellence.
  3. Creating a vibrant and vigorous environment for scientific, intellectual and moral enrichment
  4. To adapt best pedagogical practices that sharpen the intellect, stimulate the aptitude and strengthen the attitude of the students.
  5. To update the required skills in order to efficiently compete in the world of cut throat competition.
  6. To introduce and design useful, innovative and relevant courses in tune with the needs of society, academia and industry.
  7. To equip the students with the required employability skills by providing proper guidance and direction.
  8. To ensure complete objectivity in evaluation by following healthy practices.
  9. To serve as a beacon light for the society to progress and prosper in all fronts
Mission: The University aims at:
  1. Becoming a seminary for enhancing knowledge and a resource centre for research and socially useful activities.
  2. Establishing collaboration with world class institutions with a deep sense of sharing knowledge and its benefits.
  3. Enabling and empowering the students by tapping their talents and channelizing their abilities.
  4. Encouraging the students, researchers and faculty to take up the challenges and contribute purposefully to the overall progress of the nation.

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Research Scholar

Created: 2018-03-07 by Madiga Rajasekhar | Last Updated: 2018-03-07 by Mithun Gawas