OceanExpert ID : 18826

Instituto Privado de Investigación sobre Cambio Climatico

(Private Institute of Research on Climate Change)


Edificio 2, interior Cengicaña, Finca Camantulul, Km. 92.5, Carretera a Mazatenango
05002- Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa


Private non-profit


+502 7828 1000




The main objective of the Climate and Hydrology Research program is to generate information and analysis of the weather and hydric resources, which contribute to the wellness of the population and the sustainability of the productive systems. Specifically, it aims that the processes stated above don’t become affected by extreme weather events and the climate changes that can occur in the future, which are considered as part of the adaptation to climate change process. 

The Climate and Hydrology Research program perform its main researches in the following areas:
Climatology – Underwater Hydrology – Hydrology
Some of the principal activities of the Climate and Hydrology Research program are: 

  • Management of the meteorological network supported by the sugar industry
  • Flood risk analysis studies
  • Hydrological rainfall-runoff models and assessment of potential danger.
  • Analysis of hydrological extreme weather events.

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Created: 2017-12-11 by Seyoung Park | Last Updated: 2017-12-14 by Mark Van Crombrugge