OceanExpert ID : 18759

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade Agostinho Neto

(Science Faculty Of Agostinho Neto University)


Avenida 4 de Fevereiro 71




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+244 922 975 710




The College of Sciences was created in 1963 to install the University General Studies of Angola, integrated in the Portuguese University. Ministering only the Medical – Surgical Preparatory, and the Engineering, Agronomy, Forestry, Veterinary Medicine and Pedagogical Sciences courses.

Decree-Law No. 48790 of 28 December 1968 transformed the General University Studies of Angola into the University of Luanda. With this transformation degrees were issued entirely in Angola, while with the general studies it was necessary to finish the courses in Portugal.

It was only in 1968 that the College of Sciences’ courses began to function, namely: Biology, Geographical Engineering, Physics, Geology, Mathematics and Chemistry. The Computer Science course started in 2006.

From 1969 to 1975, a section was created in the city of Lubango with the designation of the Mathematics and Geographical Engineering Section of Sá da Bandeira in the total dependence of the College of Sciences in Luanda. In 1975 this section theoretically became an Autonomous Department to minister Applied Mathematics, Geographical Engineering and Mathematics (Teaching Branch) but the political events that preceded the independence, led to its closure.

From 1980 to 1987 the courses of Petroleum Geology and Petroleum Geophysics were ministered with the special support of Bráspetro, ESPA and the Ministry of Petroleum of Angola. The Geophysics Course was created in 1978 and became a Department in 2002, when it was approved by the Agostinho Neto University Senate held in Cabinda.

In 2000 a curricular reform was carried out for all courses

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Created: 2017-10-16 by Carlos Neto | Last Updated: 2017-10-17 by Mark Van Crombrugge