OceanExpert ID : 18351

Trung tâm Điều tra tài nguyên - môi trường biển

(Marine Natural Resources - Environment Survey Center)


125 Trung Kính, Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy
Hanoi 10000




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+84 437842327


+84 437842326




Taking the lead in the formulation and implementation of programs, schemes, projects and tasks of fundamental natural resource and environment survey of in seas and islands of Viet Nam and adjacent international waters, including:

  • Investigation and assessment of marine and insular natural resources, including non-living and bio-origin resources, marine energy, marine ecosystems, biodiversity, positional resources and new resource types in deep sea areas;
  • Investigation and assessment of the current status and trends of marine environment (sea water, sediments), marine ecology and physical fields (magnetic, gravity fields, sound waves, radioactivity, electromagnetic fields) and the current environmental situation in islands. Assessment of levels of damage of marine and insular resource and environment systems due to the impact of natural hazards, the exploitation of resources and the effects of global climate change;
  • Investigation and assessment of factors impacting marine and insular environment and resources, such as topography, geomorphology, hydro-litho-dynamics, geophysics, sedimentology, structural geology - geodynamics, paleo-geography, evolution of coastal, and estuarine areas, and geotechnical factors;
  • Investigation and assessment of natural conditions, position resources of seas and islands;
  • Survey on utilization status of seas around islands and in offshore areas;
  • Integrated survey for inventory and analysis of islands
  • Investigation, assessment of current situation and prediction of natural hazards , includiing: seabed landslides, change of seabed topography, coastal erosion and accretion, gas emanation from the seabed, earthquakes, tsunamis, climate change, etc..;
  • Collecting and integrating results of the investigation, evaluating and processing sea, island resource and environment data to serve the management, utilization and exploitation of natural resources and environment protection in submerged and waste disposal areas in the sea of Viet Nam;

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Created: 2016-10-19 by Nguyễn Văn | Last Updated: 2017-07-05 by Mark Van Crombrugge