OceanExpert ID : 13175

Institute of Marine Research, Flødevigen Research Station


Nye Flødevigveien 20
4817 His




55 23 85 00


37 05 90 01

Parent institute



The Flødevigen station has facilities for conducting both field-based and experimental work, and a long tradition for doing so. For instance, the station has built a unique time-series on abundance of juvenile coastal fish, lasting from 1919 until present. In this survey more than 100 localities along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast are sampled each year with a beach seine. Based on this time-series, studies on the population dynamics of coastal fishes have been published in top scientific journals such as Ecology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, and Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Facilities for doing field-based research include the G. M. Dannevig research vessel and two smaller boats for sampling in nearshore areas. Facilities for doing laboratory-based research include a sea water system, about 30 indoor tanks (500-200 litres), two larger outdoor pools and several laboratories (fish sampling lab, age-determination lab, population genetics lab, marine chemistry lab and phytoplankton lab). The Flødevigen station also has a guest house with 5 rooms.

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Show Records
Created: 2011-03-28 by Odd Aksel Bergstad | Last Updated: 2018-08-06 by Hans Dewitte