OceanExpert ID : 12796
National Oceanography Centre, International CLIVAR Project Office, Southampton International/Intergovernmental
SO14 3ZH
United Kingdom
International / Intergovernmental
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+44 2380 596777
+44-2380 596204
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
(University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre)
CLIVAR is the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) project that addresses Climate Variability and Predictability, with a particular focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interactions in climate. It works closely with its companion WCRP projects on issues such as the role of the land surface, snow and ice and the role of stratospheric processes in climate. The challenges for CLIVAR are to develop our understanding of climate variability, to apply this to provide useful prediction of climate variability and change through the use of improved climate models, and to monitor and detect changes in our climate system. As CLIVAR science advances, it becomes increasingly important and possible to address all aspects of the climate system, including the role of biogeochemical cycles, and to build the application of CLIVAR science to societal applications and impacts. To enable the necessary scientific interactions, CLIVAR looks to partnership with other international programmes, especially the International Biosphere-Geosphere Programme (IGBP), the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) and the International Programme of Biodiversity Science (DIVERSITAS).