OceanExpert ID : 12382
National Meteorological Service of Belize
(National Meteorological Service of Belize)
Philip Goldson International Airport
PO Box 717
Belize City
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+501 2252012
+501 2252101
The National Meteorological Service of Belize is the leading governmental authority on weather and climate. It provides meteorological and climate-based products and services to the Belizean public through systematic and accurate monitoring and data collection, reliable data analyses and timely dissemination of user-friendly information on regular and emergency events and processes. This is undertaken in order to contribute to the safety and well-being of the people of Belize and the sustainable development of the nation.
To fulfil this mission, the Department maintains a network of meteorological observing stations, a Doppler radar, an upper air observing station The Weather Forecasting section of the Service is equipped with telecommunication equipment, data analysis and display workstations and satellite receiving equipment.
The National Meteorological Service is responsible for providing aviation weather information and forecasts, and specialized weather forecasts for agriculture, forestry, marine, military, and tourism. It also provides public weather forecasts for the media, which then distributes via newspapers, radio and television. Forecasts are also distributed by the Meteorological Office by facsimile, e-mail, the Department’s website and recorded telephone messages.

Angelia GUY

Operational Weather Forecaster

Dwayne SCOTT
Electronics Section