ID | Name | Name (English) | Parent | Country | Type |
23999 | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia | Uberlândia Federal University | Brazil | Academic | |
23998 | VLIR - Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad | VLIR - Flemish Interuniversity Council | Belgium | Academic | |
23997 | Blue Anew Network | Blue Anew Network | Italy | NGO | |
23996 | Colégio Objetivo Rio Claro | Brazil | Academic | ||
23995 | Cooperativa de Educação Ambiental Repensar | Repensar Environmental Education Cooperative | Mozambique | NGO | |
23994 | International Foundation for Aids to Navigation | International Foundation for Aids to Navigation | Italy | Private non-profit | |
23993 | Université Mohammed V de Rabat | Mohammed V University in Rabat | Morocco | Academic | |
23991 | OceanLabs (Seychelles) | OceanLabs (Seychelles) | Seychelles | Private commercial | |
23990 | National Economic and Development Authority | National Economic and Development Authority | Philippines | Government | |
23987 | AMBIPAR Response Offshore | AMBIPAR Response Offshore | Brazil | Private commercial | |
ID | Name | Name (English) | Parent | Country | Type |